
Legal History of Australia and the United Kingdom

A research guide on the legal history of Australia and the UK created and maintained by the Law Library at Melbourne Law School. Links are given to legal history resources and materials held in collections at the University of Melbourne. There are sections including legal history blogs, resources focusing on Australia and the Common Law Tradition and legal history societies and collections.


Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law

Website of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL). ANSZIL was established in 1992 and is hosted by the Centre for International and Public Law at the Australian National University and the New Zealand Centre for Public Law at the Victoria University of Wellington. ANZSIL aims to promote and develop the discipline of international law and provide a forum for ¶academics, government lawyers, NGOs, students and practitioners of international law to discuss research and issues of practice in international law÷.

Griffith University Innocence Project

Website of the Innocence Project at Griffith University in Australia. The aim of this pro-bono project is to bring lawyers, law students and academics together to help free innocent persons who have been wrongly convicted in Australia.The site has profiles of Board Members and gives details of programmes and courses offered by the Project. There are references to articles produced by staff on the Project some of which are given in full text.

Australian Privacy and Surveillance Law Library

The Australian Privacy and Surveillance Law Library is an AustLII project providing access to a searchable collection of Australian legal materials specialising in privacy and surveillance law. The Library has been developed in conjunction with the interpreting Privacy Principles (iPP) Project which is based at theCyberspace Law & Policy Centre at the University of New South Wales. There are databases containing case law, legislation, law journals and law reform publications as well as links to external related resources.

interpreting Privacy Principles

Website of the interpreting Privacy Principles (iPP) project which is based at the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre at the University of New South Wales in Australia. The project is focused on the ¶interpretation of information privacy principles (IPPs) and µcore conceptsã in Australiaãs various privacy laws, particularly by Courts, Tribunals and privacy regulators÷ and is funded by the Australian Research Council.


LawCite is an international case citator developed by AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute. It is a searchable index to more than 5 million cases, journal articles and law reform reports from common law jurisdictions, including numerous Commonwealth countries, Ireland, the United States and Hong Kong; links to the full text are given, where available. Cases can be searched by citation, parties, court, jurisdiction and date. Journal articles can be searched by keywords in the title and author.

The 1967 Referendum: history and myths

Australian Parliamentary Library research briefing published in 2007, on the Parliament of Australia's ParlInfo site. The 1967 referendum led to changes in the Australian Constitution and resulted in aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders being counted in the census. The referendum also opened the door to further changes in the way aborigines were treated by non-aborigines. The briefing provides background and historical information, looks at the implications and impact of the referendum and addresses myths which have grown up around it.

Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society

The New Zealand Law and History Society (ANZLHS) is a scholarly society based in New South Wales, Australia. Membership of ANZLHS is drawn from historians, lawyers and academics sharing an interest in the connections between law and history. The site has joining information and details of conferences and competitions. There is also information about the society's journal, law&history, including contents lists, and a link to the discontinued title, Australian and New Zealand Law & History E-journal (on Austlii). 

Supreme Court of Queensland Library

The Library at the Supreme Court of Queensland in Australia provides legal information to the Queensland courts, the legal profession, researchers and the public. The website gives details of the Libraryãs collections, services and online catalogue. Full text judgments from the Queensland courts and selected tribunals can be searched, browsed and downloaded from the site. There is a database of biographical profiles of current and former members of the Queensland judiciary which includes full text speeches made by the judges.

Australian Institute of Administrative Law

Website of the Australian Institute of Administrative Law (AIAL) a professional organisation working to promote knowledge of Australian Commonwealth, State and Territory administrative law. The AIAL hosts seminars and lectures and a National Administrative Law Forum details of which are given on the site. There is also information on AIAL publications, organisational information, contacts for state chapters and annual reports. A page of related web links is also given.

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