Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law

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Website of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL). ANSZIL was established in 1992 and is hosted by the Centre for International and Public Law at the Australian National University and the New Zealand Centre for Public Law at the Victoria University of Wellington. ANZSIL aims to promote and develop the discipline of international law and provide a forum for ¶academics, government lawyers, NGOs, students and practitioners of international law to discuss research and issues of practice in international law÷. The site has background information about ANZSIL including a copy of the constitution and details of the Executive Council. There is information about past and future events hosted by ANZSIL along with copies of the newsletter which can be downloaded from the site. Articles by members of ANSZIL on international law issues taken from various publications and full text conference papers from past conferences are also provided on the site.

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