new zealand

Office for Maori Crown Relations - Te Arawhiti

Website of the Office for Maori Crown Relations - Te Arawhiti, an agency of the New Zealand Ministry of Justice, which supports the Crown in its Treaty obligations. This includes negotiating and settling historical Treaty of Waitangi claims and enforcing recognition of customary legislative rights in the common marine and coastal area. Settlements and supporting documents are given on the site along with a copy of the Red Book - a guide to Treaty of Waitangi claims and negotiations with the Crown.

Maori Legal Archive

The Maori Legal Archive is a collection of digitised documents made freely available by the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. The aim of the collection is to provide an insight into the interaction between the Māori people and the colonial legal system of nineteenth century New Zealand. The documents, which date back to the nineteenth century, are grouped by category and include Māori-language translations of Acts and Bills, speeches of Māori members of Parliament, land deeds, petitions and evidence submitted by Māori to various commissions of inquiry and tribunals.

Maori Law Society

Website of the Maori Law Society, an organisation that was formed in 1988 to support the legal needs of the Maori community. Members include legal practitioners, judges, parliamentarians, legal academics, policy analysts, researchers and Māori law students. There is information on the law reform issues the Society is concerned with and law reform submissions, annual reports and other documents are available. News and details of events are also given on the site.

Conflict of Laws in New Zealand

Website on the conflict of laws in New Zealand, hosted by the University of Otago. The aim of the site is to make this subject more accessible to practitioners, students, academics and the general public. It has a bibliography of scholarly articles on the conflict of laws, which can be searched or browsed by keyword, and which provides reference details and short abstracts. There is also a blog providing news and comment on conflict of laws, and a page of links to relevant New Zealand legislation.

Australasian Parliamentary Counsel's Committee

Website of the Australasian Parliamentary Counsel's Committee (PCC), a discussion forum for the development of legislation. The PCC consists of the heads of the offices of Parliamentary Counsel for the Australian Commonwealth, the States, the ACT, the Northern Territory and New Zealand. PCC publications on national uniform legislation and a list of harmonised laws are available on the site, together with a page of links to sites providing legislation for common law jurisdictions. Parts of the site are password-protected. 

New Zealand Centre for Public Law

The New Zealand Centre for Public Law, Victoria University of Wellington, hosts conferences, seminars and other events to debate and influence public law issues. Its website provides information on its publications, projects and events. The Centre’s journal, the NZ Journal of Public and International Law, is published biannually and older issues can be freely accessed online. Working papers and occasional papers, based on public lectures given at the Centre, are accessible in PDF.

New Zealand's Lost Cases

New Zealand's Lost Cases is a project located at the Victoria University of Wellington, which involves the identification and collation of early New Zealand cases from newspapers, manuscript collections, archives and judges notebooks.  The site currently holds details of all Supreme Court and Court of Appeal cases for the period 1842-1869, along with information on the sources used. The Cases database can be searched by keyword or using an advanced search option; most entries include transcripts of the original source. 

Government of Tokelau

Tokelau is a Pacific island and non-self-governing territory of New Zealand which is moving towards greater self-governance. This site has information regarding the administration, economy and impact of climate change on the island. The role of the Administrator and Office of the Council for the Ongoing Government of Tokelau are outlined and there are reports from the General Fono (the Tokelau parliament) provided.

New Zealand Treaties Online

Official database of New Zealand treaties, with status information, citations and other details. Basic and advanced search facilities are available and the text of most of the treaties is available in pdf format. The database is produced by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

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