new zealand

Asian Patent Attorneys Association

Website of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA), an NGO that seeks to promote intellectual property protection in the Asian region (including Australia and New Zealand). The site provides a newsletter and gives details of APAA committees and regional groups, a history of the organisation, and details of conferences and meetings. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

Youth Court of New Zealand

Website of the New Zealand Youth Court, describing the work of the court and the nature of its proceedings. Guidance aimed at young people, families and victims is provided. There are links to summaries of decisions from 1998 to 2016 and to full (anonymised) decisions from 2016 onwards (both collections are on the New Zealand District Court website, which in turn has a link to archived summaries going back to 1988).

New Zealand Gazette

Website of the New Zealand Gazette, the official government newspaper and journal of constitutional record. The Gazette publishes official notices relating to business proceedings, bankruptcies, transfers of land and other matters, as well as notices from government departments and the New Zealand Parliament. It is available online to browse or search from 1993 onwards; in October 2014 the online edition replaced the print edition. The site also provides annual cumulative indexes to the Gazette from 2000 to 2014.

Immigration & Protection Tribunal

This New Zealand tribunal has replaced the Residence Review Board, the Refugee Status Appeals Authority, the Removal Review Authority and the Deportation Review Tribunal. Its web page, part of the New Zealand Ministry of Justice's website, provides the decisions of the Tribunal and its predecessors, together with guidance, legislation, practice notes, annual reports and statistics.

Waitangi Tribunal

Official website of the Waitangi Tribunal, the permanent commission of inquiry established under New Zealand's Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975. The Tribunal hears claims relating to breaches of the treaty. The website provides the reports of the Tribunal on claims under the act and the text of the treaty in English and Maori. It also gives procedural guidance and makes available a collection of research reports.

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