United States Code

Alternative title
Office of the Law Revision Counsel

The website of the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the US House of Representatives provides access to the full text of the US Federal Code. The Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. Titles 1 to 15 of the Code are based on the 2006 edition (laws enacted through the 109th Congress ending January 3, 2007). Titles 16 to 50, the Appendix, Tables I-VI, and the Table of Popular Names are based on Supplement V of the 2000 edition (January 2, 2006) of the Code. The Organic Laws are based on the 2006 edition (January 3, 2007) of the Code. The Code does not include regulations issued by executive branch agencies, decisions of the Federal courts, treaties, or laws enacted by State or local governments. The US Office of the Law Revision Counsel site provides a consolidated current text, classification tables, search form (offering structured searches with both boolean and fuzzy logic), download options and links to earlier versions.

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