This website provides information and analysis relating to death penalty law and practice in around 90 countries. It was established by Professor Sandra Babcock of the Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern Law School's Bluhm Legal Clinic in the US, in partnership with the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty. The site’s main component is the Death Penalty Database, covering capital offences; treaty ratifications; national and international cases; methods of execution; statistics on death sentences and executions; and other topics. There are footnotes giving the sources of all the data. The database can be searched by country, region and/or offence. The International Legal Issues section of the site provides overviews of nineteen key topics - from ‘Access to Courts’ to ‘ Women’ - with citations to relevant case law, commentary, UN documents and other sources. The Resources section has bibliographies, guidance on international law research and links to relevant websites. The site also includes a blog.
Death Penalty Worldwide
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