Criminal Law and Procedure

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Website of the US Bureau of Justice Statistics the government department which collects and analyses information on crime, criminal offenders and the operation of justice. Statistics can be viewed by subject eg. corrections (prisons, capital punishment), courts, crime, costs of crime, law enforcement and victims of crime or by publication. These can be browsed or search and downloaded in full from the site along with data tables.

Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research

The Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research (ICPR) is a research organisation based at Birkbeck, University of London. ICPR focuses on justice issues including policing and the policed, courts and the judicial process and prisons and the use of imprisonment. There is information about current and completed research projects with links to publications. These cover: youth justice, communities, crime and victims of crime, rehabilitation, drugs alcohol and criminal justice and race, ethnicity and gender.

World Prison Brief

Website of World Prison Brief a database providing free access to information on prison systems around the world. The resource is part of the Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research’s (Birkbeck, University of London) World Prison Research Programme. Information is arranged by country and includes contact details of the government department responsible for prisons, figures for the prison population, the percentage of female, foreign and juvenile prisoners and prison population trends.

Fair Trials

Fair Trials is an NGO which campaigns for fairness, equality and justice including the right to a fair trial in Europe, Latin America, the UK and the US. The site outlines Fair Trials’ campaigns which include protecting the rights of accused people, the right to counsel, use of pre-trial detention and safeguards for plea bargaining. Free resources on the site include publications, case studies, information, toolkits and legal news which can be searched by issue, region or country. 

European Criminal Bar Association

The European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) is an independent organisation of specialist defence lawyers based in Council of Europe countries. The aim of the ECBA is to promote “the fundamental rights of persons under criminal investigation, suspects, accused and convicted persons”. Details of working groups covering e-evidence, human rights, extradition and European Arrest Warrant and anti-corruption in Europe are given on the site along with their working documents.

European Criminal Law Association

Website of the European Criminal Law Association (ECLA) (UK) a membership organisation of lawyers and academics concerned with the development of criminal law in Europe. The ECLA was previously known as the Association to Combat Fraud in Europe. A selection of reports and articles by members of ECLA are made freely available on the site. These deal with issues including organised crime, corruption, law enforcement and Brexit. Details of past and future events are also given along with a list of committee members and a copy of the ECLA constitution.

European Criminal Law Academic Network

The European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN) is an organisation of researchers and academics from 32 countries specialising in EU criminal law. The aims of ECLAN include facilitating collaboration between universities and developing academic research and training in the field of EU criminal law. ECLAN organises conferences and summer schools details of which are given online. Details of publications are also given with a selection of reports and articles made freely available.

European Public Prosecutor’s Office

Website of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), the independent public prosecution office of the European Union, which is responsible for “investigating, prosecuting and bringing to judgment crimes against the financial interests of the EU”. The crimes investigated include fraud, money laundering and corruption. A section setting out the EPPO’s legal framework  includes links to the EPPO directive (established the EPPO) and the PIF (protection of the union's financial interests) directive which sets out which crimes the EPPO deals with.

EPPO-LEX The legal research library on the European Public Prosecutor's Office

The EPPO-LEX website is a private initiative aimed at legal practitioners and researchers working with the EPPO Regulation (Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939) which established the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. The EPPO is responsible for investigating and prosecuting financial crimes against the EU. There is an annotated version of the Regulation which includes explanations and links to relevant provisions of the EPPO’s internal Rules of Procedures, other relevant EU legal acts and decisions of the EPPO College and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

The Advocate’s Gateway

The Advocate’s Gateway (TAG) is an independent organisation, overseen by a management committee of lawyers and other professionals, providing free guidance on communicating with vulnerable witnesses and defendants. The toolkits are aimed at legal practitioners and focus on maintaining ethical and professional standards when questioning vulnerable people in justice settings.

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