Criminal Law and Procedure

Cornell Death Penalty Project

The Cornell Death Penalty Project is based at the Cornell Law School in New York. The aim of the Project is to foster "scholarship related to the death penalty and its administration". The Project conducts research and sponsors a clinic enabling students to assist with the representation of capital defendants. The site includes details of clinic case studies and a list of articles on the death penalty written by faculty members. Links are given to the full articles which are made available on subscription services, Westlaw and Lexis Nexis.


CrimeLynx is a web portal produced by Colorado-based criminal defence attorney Jeralyn Merritt. The site is aimed at criminal defence practitioners and has an emphasis on US law. There is a collection of legal research links, covering Federal criminal statutes, rules and circuit court opinions, Supreme Court materials, criminal defence organisations and resources focusing on the death penalty and computer crime. There are also links to investigative tools and policy organisations.

Road Law

The Road Law website is produced by Martin Davies, a former solicitor, and forms part of his Law on the Web gateway to legal information. The site is aimed at drivers and provides advice on motoring law and road traffic offences. There are sections on motor accidents, mobile phones, seat belts, endorsements, a survey of insurance premiums for drivers with penalty points on their licence and information relating to different driving offences including drink driving, speeding and failing to stop after an accident.

Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission

The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) was set up in 1999 to look at cases involving possible miscarriages of justice. The website describes the work of the SCCRC, provides a description of Commission's statutory powers and case statistics. There is advice on how to apply to the SCCRC and a downloadable form. Brief details are given of cases referred to the High Court by the SCCRC along with links to relevant High Court opinions. The site also has a selection of case studies and information surrounding the legal issues affecting the work of the SCCRC.

Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) deals with compensation claims from people who have been physically or mentally injured because they were the blameless victim of a violent crime in England, Scotland or Wales. CICA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice. Its webpages, hosted by the official website Gov.UK, gives access to its reports and other publications.

Victims of Crime in Scotland

The Victims of Crime in Scotland website aims to provide information and advice for victims of crime. The site gives guidance on different aspects of the Scottish Criminal Justice System covering the different stages of the legal process such as reporting a crime, arrest, prosecution, attending court, sentencing and compensation. The site provides details of where victims can go for support,and links to related websites covering the police, solicitors, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and victim support groups.

Pretrial Justice Institute

The Pretrial Justice Institute is a Washington DC based, non-profit organisation providing information, publications and training on pretrial issues to US criminal justice practitioners. The website provides details of projects the PJI is involved with and reports and surveys the Institute has produced. Reports are presented in a range of formats and cover subjects such as youth justice, pretrial drug testing and the "three strikes" legislation.

London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association

Website of the London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association (LCCSA) an organisation founded in 1948 whose members are Solicitors who practise in and around the Greater London area. The site has information about the association, contact details of officers and a directory of members. There is a selection of responses to consultation papers from the Government and the Law Commission representing the LCCSA's point of view on issues such as very high cost cases and managing people with severe personality disorder. These are available in HTML.

Crimes Against Children Research Center

Website of the Crimes Against Children Research Center (CCRC) which is based at the University of New Hampshire in the United States. The aim of the CCRC is to "combat crimes against children by providing high quality research and statistics to the public, policy makers, law enforcement personnel, and other child welfare practitioners". The site has profiles of researchers, details of publications and links to related websites.

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