death penalty


Reprieve is a London-based charity providing legal representation and assistance for prisoners facing the death penalty and prisoners held beyond the rule of law, for example at Guantanamo Bay; it also investigates and campaigns on issues such as drone attacks and extraordinary rendition. The organisation was founded by human rights lawyer Clive Stafford Smith. The ‘Our Work’ page of its website provides reports, responses to consultations and other publications, together with information and documentation relating to Reprieve investigations and particular prisoners’ cases.

Death Penalty Worldwide

This website provides information and analysis relating to death penalty law and practice in around 90 countries. It was established by Professor Sandra Babcock of the Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern Law School's Bluhm Legal Clinic in the US, in partnership with the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty. The site’s main component is the Death Penalty Database, covering capital offences; treaty ratifications; national and international cases; methods of execution; statistics on death sentences and executions; and other topics. is the website of the American Society of Criminology, Division on Critical Criminology and The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Section on Critical Criminology. The site aims to link scholars with interests in critical criminology by providing access to a collection of critical papers and web links to related resources.Topics covered include criminology theory, police, courts, corrections, sentencing, critical race theory, victimology, youth and crime and internet and the media.

Death Penalty Information Center

Website of the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC), a non-profit organisation providing analysis and information on issues concerning capital punishment. The Center was founded in 1990 and prepares in-depth reports, fact sheets, resources, statistics and press releases on the death penalty. Subjects covered include, clemency, innocence, juveniles, mental illness, race and women. A state-by-state database provides information on whether individual states have the death penalty, the number of people on death row and the number of executions since 1976.

Amnesty International

The webpage of Amnesty International (AI), an independent charitable organisation that plays a specific role in the international protection of human rights. The site has sections for campaigns, news releases, a complete listing of national and local AI groups, and the option to sign up for regular newsletters or RSS feeds. The Library gives access to a number of documents and reports, most available in full text online. There is also a special section for Media.

Juvenile death penalty today: death sentences and executions for juvenile crimes January 1, 1973- February 28, 2005

Electronic version of a report on the juvenile death penalty in the United States written by Victor L. Streib who is Professor of Law at the Claude W. Pettit College of Law at the Ohio Northern University. The report is made freely available in full-text (PDF) on the Ohio Northern University Website. The report provides statistics, background, legal context and historical information. It looks at death sentences imposed throughout the 1973- 2003 period focusing on juvenile executions in the states of Texas, Oklahoma and Virginia.

Cornell Death Penalty Project

The Cornell Death Penalty Project is based at the Cornell Law School in New York. The aim of the Project is to foster "scholarship related to the death penalty and its administration". The Project conducts research and sponsors a clinic enabling students to assist with the representation of capital defendants. The site includes details of clinic case studies and a list of articles on the death penalty written by faculty members. Links are given to the full articles which are made available on subscription services, Westlaw and Lexis Nexis.

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch is an independent, non-governmental organisation which seeks to protect human rights all over the world. Its website provides up to date information on its work as well as access to many of its publications.

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