foreign law

Red: Revista Electrónica de Direito

RED - Revista Electrónica de Direito is a full-text electronic journal published by the law faculty of the University of Porto and its Legal and Economic Research Centre. The journal aims to encourage research and dissemination in the areas of legal-business and legal-economic sciences, with particular focus on comparative law, European law and contributions from different Portuguese speaking countries. The peer reviewed journal is published every four months and articles may appear in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, English or German.

DipLawMatic Dialogues

DipLawMatic Dialogues is the official blog of the Foreign, Comparative and International Law Special Interest Section (FCIL-SIS) of the American Association of Law Libraries. The blog is intended as a forum for the exchange of ideas for FCIL-SIS members, other law librarians, and anyone with an interest in foreign, comparative and international law or law librarianship. The blog has a simple search function and it is possible to browse by category. The available archives go back to December 2013.


French-language website providing an introduction to about 150 of the world’s legal systems, together with an overview of many comparative law topics and introductions to selected. international organisations. LegiGlobe is an initiative of the Réseau Francophone de Diffusion du Droit (RF2D), supported by the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. The website can be browsed by country, international organisation or comparative law topic. There is also a site index and a collection of useful links.

Death Penalty Worldwide

This website provides information and analysis relating to death penalty law and practice in around 90 countries. It was established by Professor Sandra Babcock of the Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern Law School's Bluhm Legal Clinic in the US, in partnership with the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty. The site’s main component is the Death Penalty Database, covering capital offences; treaty ratifications; national and international cases; methods of execution; statistics on death sentences and executions; and other topics.

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