Global law


WorldCat is an online library catalogue covering the print and electronic collections of about 10,000 libraries, including national, academic, special and public libraries. Although it has contributing libraries from all over the world, the majority are based in the US or Europe. WorldCat has basic and advanced search facilities and it covers book, serials and other material on all subjects. Search results can be sorted and filtered, and WorldCat will tell you if a particular item is held in a nearby library.

Karlsruher Virtuelle Katalog (KVK)

Meta-search engine for library catalogues from all over the world, collections of digitised material and online bookshops; includes the global library catalogue, WorldCat. For the most part it finds catalogue records only, but it also links to full-text material from the Hathi Trust, Google, the Directory of Open Access Journals and so on. Users can select which catalogues, digital resources and bookshops they wish to search, then search for books, serials or other material by key word, title, author, et cetera.

Legal Research Engine

Specialist internet search facility for law, provided by Cornell University Law Library. Users may search law websites generally, or choose from three targeted search options: academic law blogs, selected law websites, or legal research guides. The search faciliities may be used to research the law of many different jurisdictions, but their scope is largely restricted to information provided by US-based websites and by the websites of international organisations.

Death Penalty Worldwide

This website provides information and analysis relating to death penalty law and practice in around 90 countries. It was established by Professor Sandra Babcock of the Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern Law School's Bluhm Legal Clinic in the US, in partnership with the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty. The site’s main component is the Death Penalty Database, covering capital offences; treaty ratifications; national and international cases; methods of execution; statistics on death sentences and executions; and other topics.

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