Papers reports articles texts

EThOS: UK E-Theses Online Service

EThOS is the United Kingdom’s national thesis service, run by the British Library. It has details of thousands of law PhD theses from UK universities (as well as theses in other disciplines). Many of the theses can be downloaded in full and for most of the others there is a digitisation-on-demand service; the charge for digitisation was about £57 at the time of writing. Basic and advanced search facilities are provided. The theses on EThOS date from the 1800s up to the present day.


Website of the European Commission database DORIE (DOcumentation et Recherche sur les questions Institutionnelles Européennes). DORIE provides access to documents concerning EU institutional matters and intergovernmental conferences that have amended the founding treaties. The database includes draft treaty provisions, minutes of meetings, press releases, newspaper articles, reports, speeches by European leaders and internal Commission notes.

Family Law in Ukraine: Overview

Online guide to family law in Ukraine written by staff from Ukrainian law firm A.G.A. Partners and published and made freely available on the Thomson Reuters Practical Law database. The guide gives an outline of the law making reference to key primary sources covering divorce, children, pre and post nuptial agreements, foreign marriages, surrogacy and adoption, cohabitation, civil partnerships and same sex marriage.

Brexit Hub

The Brexit Hub forms part of The Lawyer magazine’s website which is aimed at legal practitioners and published by Centaur Holdings. The Brexit Hub brings together all content from the magazine relating to Brexit, including news, opinion and analysis articles. Some of the content is accessible to subscribers only. There is also a selection of briefings which focus on particular topics such as the implications of Brexit for transatlantic trade, data protection, UK franchise businesses and immigration. Free registration is required to access the briefings.

Brexit Essentials: Navigating Unchartered Seas: A Practical Guide for Businesses

Online guide to the implications of the vote by Britain to leave the European Union. The briefing has been written by staff at law firm Slaughter and May and is aimed at their business clients. The guide looks at risk assessment and monitoring covering issues such as investment, cash flow, regulatory obligations and contracts. The guide also looks at the impact of Brexit across a number of practice areas including dispute resolution, tax, pensions, intellectual property, environment and data protection.

Current Constitutional Developments in Latin America

Online article looking at constitutional law developments in Latin America written by Dante Figueroa who is a Senior Legal Information Analyst at the Law Library of Congress and an Adjunct Professor at the Georgetown University Law Center and Jonathan Arendtwho is a Senior Associate at Albagli Zaliasnik Law Firm. The guide was published in 2016 (and updated in 2021) on the Globalex Website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

Brexit legal resources

A selection of online guides looking at the impact of the brexit vote on different areas of law in the UK. The guides have been written by lawyers at international law firm Eversheds and made freely available on the Eversheds website. Areas of law covered on the site include automotive, banking and finance, contracts, environmental, privacy, procurement, shipping, tax and trade law. Other briefings and articles on brexit and other legal topics can be accessed from this page.

Brexit: The Immediate Legal Consequences

Report on the legal effects of Brexit, published and made freely available online by the Constitution Society. The paper has been written by Richard Gordon QC a practising barrister specialising in
constitutional and administrative law and Rowena Moffatt a barrister practising in public law and human
rights law. The paper focuses on the constitutional consequences of a vote to leave the EU and on the consequences for EU citizenship rights. The Constitution Society is an independent foundation run by academic and practising lawyers.

Using the Prerogative for Major Constitutional Change: The United Kingdom Constitution and Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union

Report on the UK constitution and Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union published and made freely available online by the Constitution Society. The paper has been written by Richard Gordon QC a practising barrister specialising in constitutional and administrative law and Dr. Andrew Blick who is Lecturer in Politics and Contemporary History at King’s College London. The paper looks at the constitutional importance of leaving the EU and use of the prerogative to trigger Article 50. The Constitution Society is an independent foundation run by academic and practising lawyers.


Brexit is a project run by the University of Oxford, Faculty of Law focusing on the implications of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. The site provides free access to full text papers of a seminar series organised jointly by Magdalen College and All Souls College which took place in October and November 2015. Topics covered include the mechanics of secession, free movement of persons, free movement of goods and services, agriculture and fisheries and the City of London.

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