Papers reports articles texts

The Human Right to Education Research with an Annotated Bibliography

Online article and bibliography on the human right to education written by Jootaek Lee who is  assistant professor and librarian at Rutgers Law School in the United States. The article was published in 2021 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The article looks at international instruments relating to the right to education and includes an annotated bibliography of articles, reports and other materials aimed at scholars and practitioners.

ICLR: Knowledge

The ICLR (Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales) is a legal publisher that produces The Law Reports, The Weekly Law Reports, The Industrial Cases Reports and other law reports. The Knowledge section of its website provides introductory information about various aspects of case law and legislation, including neutral citations, the difference between a law report and a transcript, and the publication of legislation. There is also has a glossary of legal terms and an 'Ask a Question  feature. 


The European Committee of Social Rights (ESC) is a Council of Europe body which monitors compliance with the European Social Charter, a Council of Europe treaty concerning social and economic rights. HUDOC-ESC is a database of its decisions and conclusions, together with related documents such as resolutions and recommendations of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers in matters relating to the Social Charter. Basic and advanced search facilities are provided. The interface and contents of the database are available in English and French.


Database of documents relating to the execution of European Court of Human Rights judgments, provided by the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. Includes dossiers detailing the status of execution of each judgment (under 'Cases' on the database menu); communications from the parties to a case and from NGOs (et cetera); government action plans and reports; decisions of the Council of Ministers; memoranda; and resolutions. Coverage goes back to 1961.


Database of documents produced by the European Committee for Database of documentation relating to the work of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), a Council of Europe human rights body which monitors racism, xenophobia and intolerance in Council of Europe member states. The database contains ECRI country reports; government observations (responses to ECRI reports); policy recommendations; interim conclusions; and press releases.

Constitutional Amendments of 2017: Transition to Presidentialism in Turkey

This article, on the 2017 amendments made to the 1982 Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, is written by Serap Yazici who is Professor of Constitutional Law at Istanbul Sehir University. The article was published in 2017 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author has written an earlier guide entitled ‘Guide to Turkish Public Law and Legal Research’ which focuses on the Constitution itself and amendments adopted between 1987 and 2010 (described in a separate record).

18th Century Law Books

Collection of around 600 digitised eighteenth century treatises and pamphlets on English and Scottish law, part of the Hathi Trust Digital Library. The material can be browsed by subject, author, date, place of publication and other criteria, or searched by key word. The Hathi Trust is a partnership of research institutions and libraries working to establish a repository to archive and share their digitised collections.

DART-Europe E-Theses Portal

Europe-wide portal to doctoral theses and some master’s dissertations, most of which are available in full. DART-Europe covers all subjects, including law. Users may search by keyword, or browse by university, country, year or collection. The abstracts and theses/dissertations are in many different European languages, including English. The search interface is in English.

LERU Law Portal

Portal to open access legal research material from the law faculties at twelve leading European universities. Launched in 2014, LERU includes details of more than 45,000 doctoral theses, articles, book chapters, conference papers and other documents, many of which are available to download in full. Users can browse by university or year, or search by key words; search results can be filtered by language, author, year and other criteria.

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