Papers reports articles texts

ASSER International Sports Law Centre

The ASSER International Sports Law Centre, part of the TMC Asser Institute in the Netherlands, carries out research and provides consultancy services, teaching and training. The research is interdisciplinary; in the field of law it embraces comparative law, public and private international law, EU law and international commercial arbitration. The website provides information on the work of the Centre, its staff, academic partners, events, conferences and publications.

Vietnam legal research

Online guide to Vietnamese legal research written by Le Thi Hanh who is Director of the Library and Information Centre, Hanoi Law University, Vietnam. The article was published in 2006 (and updated in 2022) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the NYU, School of Law. The author gives background and historical information about Vietnam and looks at the role of the Communist Party and its involvement in the government, social life and the legal system of Vietnam.

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