Papers reports articles texts

Immigration law: a primer

Online version of a publication called Immigration law: a primer written by Michael A. Scaperlanda who is Associate Dean for Scholarship and Research and Professor of Law at the University of Oklahoma College of Law. The primer was published by the Federal Judicial Center, an education and research agency for the United States federal courts, and provides an introduction to and overview of immigration law in the US.

Wrongful conviction and attorney-client confidentiality

Online article looking at the conflicts arising for lawyers when they find out their client has committed a crime ascribed to someone else. The article was written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association and was published on in January 2010.The article focuses on United States law and provides links and commentary to ethics codes and rules, legal articles and examples of miscarriages of justice where a lawyer has known the identity of the real perpetrator.

Early English Laws

The Early English Laws project has undertaken to produce new editions and translations of all English law codes, edicts and treatises up to the year 1215, and to publish them on this website and in print. Numerous new editions are already available on the Laws page, together with digitized versions of the original source manuscripts. It is possible to view corresponding pages of the manuscripts and edited texts side-by-side, and scholars may add their comments online. The Reference page provides a set of essays, a bibliography and a glossary.

Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard: Harvard Law School

This website provides access to the research outputs of faculty and students at Harvard Law School. It forms part of Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) an open access repository. DASH contains scholarly articles and student papers which can be searched by author, title, keyword, sponsor and series or browsed by date, author, title and subject. Recent submissions can be accessed from the home page. Records provide bibliographic details with abstracts and a link to the full text (PDF).

Seeking bypass: what will ultimately end confidence in the necessity of parental involvement laws?

Online article published on law and technology website in 2009, looking at US laws relating to parental involvement when abortions are sought by minors. The author is Diana Philip of the Women's Health Leadership Network, who is also on the advisory board for Lilith: A Fund for Reproductive Equity. The article outlines the history of young women's reproductive rights in the US, providing references to key texts and links to landmark cases.

Legal and judicial system of Niger

Online guide to the legal system and legal materials of Niger written by Bello Mahamadou Boubacar who is an intern at the appeal court in Niamey and a United Nations volunteer lawyer. The guide was published in 2009 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives an introduction to the Republic of Niger and the Niger legal system explaining the dualistic system of law which includes written laws and customary law.

Hamlyn Lectures

This website provides free access to the Hamlyn Lectures, a collection of public lectures by judges, legal academics, practitioners and other eminent speakers. The lectures are made available by the Hamlyn Trust, a charity supporting public legal education in the United Kingdom, and hosted on the website of the University of Exeter, School of Law. This collection has selected lectures delivered from 1949 to 2004 including contributions from Lord Denning, Lord Devlin, Lord Scarman, Henry Cecil, Lord Hailsham and Lord Woolf.

Introduction au système juridique et judiciaire du Bénin

Electronic article on the law and legal system of Benin written by Noel Ahonagnon Gbaguidi who is Professor of Private Law and Director of the Ecole Nationale d'Administration and the Judiciary of Benin and William Kodjoh-Kpakpassou who is Judge at the Court of First Instance of Cotonou (Benin) and Associate Professor at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration and Magistracy of Benin. The article was published in 2009 (and updated by Gérard Aivo and Lazard H.

Visiting the Senegalese legal system and legal research: a human rights perspective

Online article about the legal system and human rights law of Senegal written by Horace Sègnonna Adjolohoun, a lawyer and human rights expert. The article was published in 2009 on New York University's Globalex website. It gives an overview of the Senegalese legal system and guidance on researching the law of Senegal. There is a section on the status of international human rights law, covering the ratification and implementation of international agreements and the interpretation of international human rights law in the Senegalese courts.

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