
Indiana Law Journal

The Indiana Law Journal is a print journal (ISSN 0019-6665) published quarterly by students at the Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington. Papers deal in the main with US legal issues and occasionally with international matters. Recent topics have included tax law, use of copyright law on the internet, criminal corporate liability and sexual harassment. The website presents the full-text of articles, notes and comments published in the journal from vol.71 1996 onwards.

IDEA: The Intellectual Property Law Review

Website of IDEA: The Intellectual Property Law Review (previously the Journal of Law and Technology) published by the Franklin Pierce Law Center, New Hampshire, USA. The journal publishes articles from around the world on topics such as US domestic and international patent law, copyright, trademark, trade secrets, unfair competition and related intellectual property issues. The website presents the full-text of articles from 1957 to 2002. Instructions to authors, information about the editorial board and subscription rates are given on the site.

Cardozo Law Review

Online version of the student edited journal published by the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York City, USA. Articles, notes and symposia cover a range of legal subjects including civil rights, constitutional law, legal ethics and US securities regulations. Six issues are published each year. Contents pages are available from vol.1, 1979 onwards and full text articles from vol.26 onwards can be downloaded in PDF.

Alaska Law Review

This journal is published semiannually by Duke Law School in association with Alaska Bar Association. It provides an annual year-in-review of court decisions and legislative changes, as well as articles related to current legal trends and issues of practical importance to the Alaska Bar. Student editors have primary responsibility for writing and editing the review. Full text is available online from vol 14 no 2, December 1997, and is searchable by citation or keyword. Details of submission, and hard copy subscriptions, are also available on the website.

Gonzaga Journal of International Law

The Gonzaga Journal of International Law is a practice-oriented international law journal. It is edited by students from Gonzaga University School of Law in the US and includes articles, essays and commentary by practitioners, academics, students, business professionals and government officials. The entire series is available free on the web in html and pdf format.

Alabama Law Review

This is the full text online edition of the US law school journal published up to five times a year. Online version begins with Volume 48, No. 1, Fall 1996. The journal aims to contribute to information exchange and development of legal scholarship through the medium of the Internet.

US Department of Justice Antitrust Division

US Department of Justice Antitrust Division contains a vast amount of information on legal cases involving monopolies and mergers. The site includes links and articles relating to current actions, public documents relating to ongoing cases and an introduction to the work of this division of the Department of Justice, and links to guidelines and statements on policy towards antitrust in various areas of the economy in the US. is the website of the American Society of Criminology, Division on Critical Criminology and The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Section on Critical Criminology. The site aims to link scholars with interests in critical criminology by providing access to a collection of critical papers and web links to related resources.Topics covered include criminology theory, police, courts, corrections, sentencing, critical race theory, victimology, youth and crime and internet and the media.

US Supreme Court Decisions

A Findlaw site providing access to contemporary and historical decisions from the United States Supreme Court. FindLaw offers a free searchable database of Supreme Court decisions from 1893 to date. Decisions may be browsed by year and official United States Reports volume number and are searchable by citation, docket number, party name or key word.

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