
Brooklyn Law Review

Website of the Brooklyn Law Review (ISSN 0007-2362) a journal published quarterly by students at the Brooklyn Law School. The journal is aimed at jurists, practitioners and scholars and publishes articles covering a broad range of current US legal issues as well as notes and comments on new legislation and case law. One issue in each annual volume focuses on trends and cases in the US Second Circuit. The website presents contents pages from volume 61 (1995) onwards and full text content from volume 66 number 4 (2001) onwards.

Boston College Law Review

Website of Boston College Law Review (ISSN 0161-6587), a US law school journal published five times a year by Boston College Law School, Newton, Massachusetts, USA. The journal includes articles by prominent outside authors as well as students, discussing a wide range of legal matters of US national interest, including copyright law and immigrant rights and political funding.

Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review

Website of the Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, a print journal published quarterly by students at Boston College Law School, Newton, USA and made freely available in full text online. Publication began in 1971. Each issue contains articles by prominent outside authors as well as student contributions. The focus on environmental issues is interpreted broadly to allow discussion of related and diverse topics such as global warming, corporate liability for environmental damages, animal rights, the tobacco industry, and kosher food laws.

Tulane Law Review

Website for Tulane Law Review, a print journal founded in 1916 as the Southern Law Quarterly. The Review is published six times annually and is a student-run, student-edited legal periodical. Articles concentrate on civil law, comparative law and admiralty law, discussing a wide range of business, constitutional, environmental and maritime law matters from a US perspective. The Review has a sizeable international circulation and is one of few American law reviews on the select list of minimum holdings for law libraries in the United Kingdom.

Michigan Journal of Law Reform

Founded in the late 1960s, the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform is published by the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, USA. The journal is dedicated to law reform orientated articles and student notes. It seeks to improve the law and its administration by providing a forum for discussion that identifies contemporary issues for reform efforts, proposes concrete means to accomplish change, and evaluates the impact of law reform in the US. As contributions to this discussion, the Journal welcomes multidisciplinary and empirical work.

New York University Environmental Law Journal

Comprehensive website for the New York University Environmental Law Journal, established in 1992 at the New York University School of Law. The journal aims to encourage environmental protection and stimulate clear and responsible discussion of environmental law and policy. Articles are written by legal academics, practitioners and students specialising in the field. They consider questions of environmental law and policy from a variety of perspectives. An archive offers full-text articles, notes, speeches and book reviews published in the journal from volume 1, 1992 onwards.

Oregon Law Review

The Oregon Law Review is a scholarly journal produced by the University of Oregon School of Law since 1921. The Review aims to publish articles of current interest, addressing theoretical and practical issues of State, national and international significance. Matters covered have included gender discrimination, evidence rules, analysis of US Federal and State case law. The web version features contents listings from Volume 78 (1999/2000) onwards, with most articles available in full text online.

American University Law Review

The American University Law Review is the oldest and largest law journal of Washington College of Law at the American University, Washington D.C. There are six issues a year, including a special annual issue on decisions of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals on patent law, international trade, government contracts and Native American law. Contributors include judges, professors and practitioners as well as students. The online version begins with volume 45 no.1 (October 1995), and full text is available free in PDF format from volume 47 no.1 (October 1997).

Rutgers Law Journal

The Rutgers Law Journal is the law review for the Rutgers University School of Law at Camden, USA and is edited by second and third year students. Each annual volume of the Law Journal comprises 4 issues, with each issue containing a collection of articles, notes, book reviews, development pieces and comments. Articles concentrate on current and interesting legal scholarship as well as some interdisciplinary topics of particular interest to the legal community. A special annual issue on State Constitutional Law under the supervision of Professor Robert F.

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