
British Library: Business and Patents

This British Library webpage introduces the BL’s collection guides to a range of materials including patents, trademarks, business and management studies and trade literature from 1880–1940. The British Library is the UK’s national patent library and holds British patent documents, official journals, patent law reports and patent specifications from over 40 countries and international authorities. A guide to patents and patenting your invention is also provided.

Patents Court

Website of the UK Patents Court which handles intellectual property cases concerning patents, registered designs and plant varieties. This court is part of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice. The site provides guidance on taking a case to the Patents Court, Civil Procedure Rules relating to intellectual property claims, hearing dates and contact details for, and profiles of, Patents Court judges.

Danish Patent and Trademark Office

The Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) is the official representative of Denmark acting on behalf of the Danish Government regarding all aspects of IP legislation and policy. The DKPTO's Policy and Legal Affairs Department is responsible for developing Denmark's IP legislation and policy in relation to patents, utility models, trademarks and designs. Thus the site provides links to treaties, EU Council regulations and agreements and other materials concerning patents, utility models, trade marks and designs.


Blog about intellectual property and commercial law in the Gulf states, by English barrister and arbitrator Jane Lambert. Discusses recent cases and other legal developments, events and other matters. A Twitter feed is available.


Intellectual property law blog by Jane Lambert, an English barrister and arbitrator. Discusses recent cases and other developments in UK and European IP law. Updates are available by RSS feed, via Twitter or by email.

Intellectual Property Regulation Board

The Intellectual Property Regulation Board (IPReg) regulates patent attorneys and trade mark attorneys in the UK. Its website explains its work, provides general guidance and publishes case documentation, including decisions of the Disciplinary Board. Also available are news items, consultation documents, a list of bodies registered with IPReg, a register of patent attorneys and a register of trademark attorneys.

Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property

The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property was founded in Bern in 1888. It is the Federal Agency for intellectual property matters but has its own legal personality and is independent of the Swiss Federal budget. Its primary role is as a first point of contact for customers who need industrial property rights. The site provides background information about patents, trademarks, designs and copyright, with links to further details. Forms for completion and submission are available to download in Word and PDF formats.

Archivo Histórico

The Historical Archive is part of the Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM) site, an official government site in Spain which handles patents, trademarks and related issues. The Archive has been maintained and developed as a joint project with the Universidad Autonóma de Madrid since 1999. It includes searchable databases covering the history of privileges (1826-1878), patent applications (1878-1966) and trade marks (1865-1910). For each database, guidance is given regarding background, search strategy and fields available.

Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas

The OEPM is an Spanish official body which handles patents, trademarks and related issues. Different sections of its website provide guidance relating to trade marks and distinctive signs, industrial intellectual property, industrial design and inventions. Press releases can be searched by date and subject area. A wide selection of different databases is available; some offer free access and other require individual subscription. Recent issues of the “Boletín Oficial de la Propriedad Industria BOPI” are available. Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle: marques, brevets, sociétés, dessins, modèles

Inpi is a French public body with responsibility for industrial and intellectual property. It helps to formulate public policy on intellectual property in France, and it registers and grants patents, trademarks, models and designs. One of its aims is to publish information on industrial property in France. The databases provided on this website include trademarks, patents, designs, models and many decisions of the French courts dealing with intellectual property. The BOPI, Bulletins Officiels de la Propriété Industrielle, are also available.

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