
Trademark and Patent Assignments on the Web

The Trademark Assignments and Patent Assignments on the Web databases are provided by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and made freely available on their website. The trademark database provides information on ownership of trademarks from 1955 to date and patent information is available from 1980 onwards. The database can be searched using a range of criteria including registration or serial number and by assignor or assignee name, applicant name or registrant name.


A freely available online resource guide created by Daniel Tysver of the Minnesota-based law firm Beck & Tysver, which provides information on intellectual property and technology law. The site is divided into subject areas such as patent law, software patents, trademark law, copyright law and internet law. Each section has an executive summary followed by links to more in-depth coverage of the topic and specific pieces of legislation.

Ius Mentis

The website Ius Mentis is a Dutch-language resource guide to intellectual property law in the field of computers, programming and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) generally. The site is produced by Arnoud Engelfriet an IT-lawyer and patent attorney and is intended for those with an ICT background as well as lawyers. The site is divided into a number of sections relating to particular aspects of intellectual property law in the ICT context, including patents, copyright, trademarks, database rights and software.


esp@cenet is a free gateway to a patents search engine which can find UK, European, US and Japanese patent applications using one single search form. The esp@cenet quick search option defaults to the Worldwide database where users can search by words in the title or abstract or persons or organisations. Users can also conduct searches by number, classification or a range of parameters using the advanced search option. If available, the original application along with a description of the invention and drawings are made freely available online.

Williams Powell

Willams Powell is a London-based firm of patent and trade mark attorneys. Their website gives a brief introduction to and definitions of patents, trade marks, design and copyright. General guidance is provided on filing a patent, writing a patent specification, patent searching and the likely costs involved. There is also advice on choosing and registering trade marks. Advice for overseas patent and trade mark attorneys is given on the site and brief guidance for people wishing to register patents or trade marks abroad.

Australian Patent Office Decisions

An AustLII Web database containing decisions of the Australian Patents Office from 1981 onwards. Decision texts are in HTML format. The service features full search facilities, a case name search, alphabetical browse option and recent cases list. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney to provide public access to primary legal materials. The data from the Australian Patent Office is supplied by IP Australia.

England and Wales High Court (Patents Court) Decisions

A BAILII database containing selected decisions of the Patents Court of the High Court of England and Wales. The database features all decisions made publicly available through the Courts service from 1997 onwards to date. Cases are listed alphabetically by party name and chronologically by year. The system features a sophisticated search facility and Recent Cases listing. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service aiming to provide free access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

Antique Rare IP Library e-Treatise Reading Room

Online collection of digitised intellectual property publications from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, on the website of the Franklin Pierce Law Center, an independent US law school. Around 250 items are available, in pdf format, on copyright, patents, trademarks or general IP law. The collection includes books, articles, speeches, laws, digests and judgments; the main focus is on the law of the UK and US, but some other jurisdictions are also covered. 

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