
Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys

Web pages for the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys, the professional body for United Kingdom patent agents. CIPA aims to provide information on all areas concerned with patents, and the areas in which patent agents act. The website includes basic information on patents, trade marks, copyright and design as well as information and news for both qualified agents and students.

European Union Intellectual Property Office

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), formerly the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), is the EU body ressponsible for the uniform protection of trade marks and industrial designs. It maintains registers of trademarks and designs and has a role in the prosecution of infringements. The EUIPO website covers the legal framework and the remit of the Office and its Boards of Appeal, as well as an online registration facility, databases, publications, news and more.

Intellectual Property Office

The Intellectual Property Office is responsible for granting intellectual property (IP) rights in the United Kingdom. Its website provides information about patents, designs, trade mark, including legislation, official notices, research commissioned by the IPO, procedural forms, guidance and databases of trademarks, registered designs and patents.

European Patent Office

The EPO's website has a Law and Practice section which includes the European Patent Convention (EPC), the EPO's Official Journal (OJ), legislation, guidelines and case law. The European Patent Register is also available on the site, together with news, factsheets and other information. The site is available in English, French or German.

J-PlatPat (Japan Platform for Patent Information)

Free searchable database with English interface providing information on Japanese patents, utility models, designs, and trademarks issued by the Japan Patent Office. Users can search a range of resources applicable to the different types of industrial property including applications, gazettes and bibliographies. A simple search option uses keyword or number searching and an advanced search provides additional parameters eg. date, classification etc. The site also has trial decisions and online help with using the database and the Japanese design classification scheme. 

Researching intellectual property law in the Russian Federation

Online guide to intellectual property law in the Russian Federation written by Julian Zelgelman who is a corporate and intellectual property attorney with Hoge Fenton Jones & Appel a business law firm based in San Jose, California. The guide was published in the features section of in August 2005 (and updated in February 2009) and looks at primary sources of intellectual property law in the Russian Federation (including links to resources available in English) and suggests various printed and electronic secondary materials.

National Intellectual Property Center

Website of the National Intellectual Property Center (previously the Georgian Patent Office) the body responsible for granting patents and registering trademarks in Georgia. The site provides history and background to the setting up of the Center and the development of the legal framework relating to intellectual property protection in Georgia. There is guidance to patent law, trademark registration and copyright protection in Georgia including copies of the relevant legislation (in English) and PDF copies of required forms.

Free Patents Online

Free Patents Online (FPO) provides a searchable database of patent records. The site was established by patent searcher James Ryley and includes US and European patents and abstracts of Japanese patents. The database currently holds all patents published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) since December 1976. Images can be viewed in PDF or TIFF formats. There is background information on patents and trademarks and help with using the database.

IP Watchdog

IP Watchdog is a website providing information on intellectual property, internet and antitrust law. The site is produced by Gene Quinn, a patent attorney and professor of law, and focuses on United States law. There are sections dealing with different aspects of patent, copyright and trademark law, inventions and confidentiality agreements. There is a section aimed at businesses and one providing advice on Patent Bar exams. The inventions section provides guidance on the patent and invention process and intellectual property issues.

Hungarian Intellectual Property Office

The website of the Hungarian Patent Office provides guidance and legal information on obtaining patents and trademarks in Hungary. Copies of Hungarian laws and regulations are provided online along with contact details of Hungarian patent agents. The site also includes information on plant variety protection, utility model protection, trademarks, designs and copyright issues in Hungary. The Hungarian Industrial Property Database, which has information on patents, utility models, trademarks and designs protected in Hungary, is free to search on the site.

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