Archivo Histórico

Alternative title
Archivo Historico

The Historical Archive is part of the Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM) site, an official government site in Spain which handles patents, trademarks and related issues. The Archive has been maintained and developed as a joint project with the Universidad Autonóma de Madrid since 1999. It includes searchable databases covering the history of privileges (1826-1878), patent applications (1878-1966) and trade marks (1865-1910). For each database, guidance is given regarding background, search strategy and fields available. Another freely accessible database of historical legislation is based upon the book “Sáiz, J. Patricio: Legislación histórica sobre propriedad industrial. España 1759-1929” Madrid, OEPM, 1996”. Background information about the projects, search guides and database resources are available in English, French and German but the historical legislation is only in the original Spanish.
Older volumes of the “Boletín Oficial de la Propriedad Industria BOPI” from 1886-1966 are accessible and can be searched by trade mark or by name. For the most recent issues, please refer to the OEPM main site.

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