
House of Commons

House of Commons section of the UK Parliament website, providing a information about the work of the House and about Members of Parliament. News items cover recent debates and the work of the Commons Committees. There are links to select committee reports, Hansard debates, current bills, briefing notes and the Summary Agenda and Order of Business. The site also includes a database of Early Day Motions (formal motions for debate which allow MPs to raise issues in which they are interested).

Parliament of Uganda

This is the official website of the Parliament of Uganda. It provides information on the structure, function and current activities of the parliament. This includes a listing of current MPs, committees and constituencies, news releases and information on legislative activities concerning acts and bills passing through the house. There is also some access to recent issues of Hansard, parliamentary debates.

Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia

This is the official website of the parliament of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). It provides information on the history, structure of the Congress and its current activities. It includes a listing of current members of parliament, the full-text of recent press releases and the national and state constitutions of the region. Also accessible is information on recent laws and legislative activity in parliament.

Principality of Liechtenstein

Portal to official information about the Principality of Liechtenstein. It provides information on the history of the region and the current composition, structure and functions of its government. This includes a listing of all members of the government, descriptions of the work of the Parliament (Diet), and a chronological history and current biographies of the royal family. Some information is also available about foreign relations and the relationship between Liechtenstein and the European Union and other international entities. This site is available in German or English.

National People's Assembly Republic of Algeria

This is the official website of the parliament of Algeria. It provides information on the structure, function and current activities of the house. There is also historical information and the Deputies can be viewed alphabetically, by constituency, party and committee. The Constitution and other laws relating to the National Assembly can be viewed in full text. Also included are the full results of and information about recent elections. English, French and Arabic versions of the information are available, although at present the Arabic sections are more detailed.

Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia is the official parliament of the Province of British Columbia, Canada. The website gives information on legislative proceedings and documents, legislation, members of the Legislative Assembly, the Legislative Library and other information for the public. Bills, Hansard (Debates), Reports of Legislative Committees and other related documents from 1992 onwards are also provided. Transcripts of these materials can be searched by keywords and date, and progress of current Bills followed.

Legislative Assembly of Alberta

The Legislative Assembly of Alberta is the official parliament of Alberta province of Canada, and its website provides services to the Members of the Legislative Assembly and the public. The site contains information on members and their duties, transcripts of Bills and their Amendments, Assembly documents, Alberta Hansard and Records of the House, including Standing and Special Committees. The Bills section includes copies of proposed Bills and approved Amendments.

Congressional Research Service Reports

A collection of full-text Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports on the US Department of State website. The Congressional Research Service provides information about current public policy issues and the legislative process to members of the US Congress. Topics covered in this set of CRS reports include: the structure and administration of the House of Representatives, procedure on the floor of the House, committees, budget procedure, relations with the Senate and relations with the President.

Legislative Assembly of Ontario

The Legislative Assembly of Ontario is the official parliament of the Ontario region of Canada. It is based in Toronto. Its website provides information on its structure, current membership and activities. This includes lists of MPs, background information on the operation of the legislative process and details of all bills currently passing through the parliament. Also accessible is the full-text of all Hansard parliamentary debates and committee proceedings from 1984 to date. These cover a full range of social policy, public administration and legal reform topics.

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