legal research

A Guide to Legal Research in Uzbekistan

Online guide to political and legal systems in the Republic of Uzbekistan with reference to legal sources in print and on the Internet. The guide was written by Maria Stalbovskaya, reference librarian at the Open Library for Legal Information in Uzbekistan in 2002 and updated in 2024 by Mirfozil Khasanov. The guide is published on the Globalex Website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

Current Legal Research Topics Database

A web database of Current Legal Research Topics being pursued by postgraduate law students based in the United Kingdom. Database entries record the subjects of research currently being pursued (i.e. provisional dissertation titles) by students registered for research degrees in law at higher education institutions in the UK. Researchers can search the database by: word(s)in the dissertation title; subject keywords or the name of a jurisdiction; name of student and name of University.

Guide to the Lithuanian Legal System

A research and resource guide offering an introduction to law and the legal system in Lithuania, describing sources of law including free internet sources and materials in English. The guide has been prepared by Elona Norvaisaite, reference librarian at the Law and Politics Reading Room of the Information Center of the National Library of Lithuania. The guide was published in 2005 and updated in 2023 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

Introduction to Hungarian law research

A research and resource guide looking at Hungary and the Hungarian legal system, prepared by Zsuzsanna Antal who is Systems Librarian and Deputy Head Librarian at the Central European University Library in Budapest. The author provides an outline of the Hungarian political and legal system, briefly describing the role of the Constitution, Parliament, President, Constitutional Court, Parliamentary Commissioner, central and local Governments, and Judiciary and Legal Profession. The guide references relevant print and electronic sources and materials.

WEX : LII's collaborative legal dictionary and encyclopedia

Wex is an ambitious effort to construct a collaboratively-created, public-access law dictionary and encyclopedia. It comprises a series of guidance summaries on legal topics in United States law, sponsored by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School and made freely available on the LII website. Broad topics covered by the series include: Commercial law; Criminal law and Criminal procedure; Employment; Energy; Intellectual Property; International law; Legal ethic; and Tax.

Legal Services Research Centre

Archived website of the Legal Services Research Centre, which carried out research on the subject of legal aid from 1996 to 2013, when it closed. The Centre was the research division of the UK's Legal Services Commission. The website provides information about the Centre's projects concerning administration of justice issues, along with details of the annual conference and useful links.

World Law: San Marino

Section of the WorldLII's website covering the Republic of San Marino, the small independent Southern European state. The site offers links to introductory materials relating to the law of San Marino, governmnent websites and other legal information.

Algerian law guide

A commentary and bibliographic resource guide concerned with Algerian law, legal materials and research written by Dahmène Touchent, a legal information specialist and journalist responsible for the Algerian legal database, Lexalgeria. The guide is published on the Globalex website and is made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author presents an overview of law and the legal system in Algeria with reference to the main print, electronic, and free web sources.

Medico-Legal Society

Web pages for the Medico-Legal Society founded in 1901 in the United Kingdom to "promote medico-legal knowledge in all its aspects". The site publishes information about the Society's membership and application procedures; details of trustees and officers; and events programme listings. Information is also given on the Society's official journal, the Medico-Legal Journal with notes on current subscription rates, contents table for current issue and online sample articles. Additionally the site offers a small collection of links to related Internet sites.

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