legal research

Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Recht

The Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Recht (Virtual Law Library) is a portal to high-quality legal resources on the internet, with an emphasis on German legal information. It forms part of the Special Law Collection at the Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage in Germany. The portal is arranged into eight sections. The Subject Information Gateway provides access to resources relevant to academic legal research and can be searched by keyword or browsed by subject.

BIALL How Do I? wiki

The How Do I? wiki is written by members of the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) PR and Promotions Committee. The service is aimed at law librarians but is made freely available on the BIALL website. The wiki provides answers to questions asked by law librarians on the Lis-Law jiscmail list and can be accessed by broad subject headings, a detailed alphabetical listing or by using the search engine. Subject headings include legislation, judgments and courts, conventions and treaties, European Union and books and journals.

Criminal justice surveys and public opinion polls

Online guide looking at surveys and opinion polls concerning the criminal justice system in the United States written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The guide was published in June 2009 on The author gives annotated links to surveys arranged under the following headings; criminal justice system; crime; criminal histories; death penalty; public defense; sentencing; sex offenders and rehabilitation.

ICC Legal Tools

ICC Legal Tools is a web database providing information and commentary about international criminal law. Developed by the Legal Advisory Section (LAS) of the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), it is aimed at all those dealing with international war crimes cases.

Visiting the Senegalese legal system and legal research: a human rights perspective

Online article about the legal system and human rights law of Senegal written by Horace Sègnonna Adjolohoun, a lawyer and human rights expert. The article was published in 2009 on New York University's Globalex website. It gives an overview of the Senegalese legal system and guidance on researching the law of Senegal. There is a section on the status of international human rights law, covering the ratification and implementation of international agreements and the interpretation of international human rights law in the Senegalese courts.

Legal Blawg Archive

The Legal Blawg Archive is compiled by the Law Library of Congress and made freely available on its website. The collection was started in 2007 and "is part of a continuing effort by the Library of Congress to evaluate, select, collect, catalog, provide access to, and preserve digital materials for future generations of researchers". The archive contains selected legal blogs, from law schools, research institutes and think tanks, covering a broad cross section of topics including antitrust, civil procedure, family law, courts, legal ethics, intellectual property and taxation.

Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights at Geneva University carries out research and training on international law relating to armed conflict. Its website includes information about courses and specialised training at the Academy, outlines of current and completed research projects and details of publications. It also provides a series of research papers. There are links to the Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts Project website and to the Journal of International Criminal Justice, which is hosted at the Academy. The site can be viewed in French and English.

Comparative civil procedure: a guide to primary and secondary sources

Online guide to comparative civil procedure research. The guide was originally written in 2009 by Radu D. Popa, Assistant Dean and Director of NYU Law Library, and Mirela Roznovschi, Reference Librarian for International and Foreign Law at NYU Law Library and was updated in 2023 by Louis Myers who is a Foreign, Comparative, and International Law Librarian with the Law Library of Congress.

Malawi: legal system and research resources

Guide to the legal system and materials of Malawi, by Redson Kapindu of the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International Law (SAIFAC). Last updated in 2014, the guide is on New York University's Globalex website. It gives background information about the history and political system in Malawi and explains the political and legal systems. The author also covers the sources of law including the Constitution, legislation, common law, customary law, religious law and international law.

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