legal research

Centre for Innovation Law and Policy

The Centre for Innovation Law and Policy (CILP) is based in the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto and describes itself as a "multi-faceted academic centre devoted to the study of laws, institutions and policies that affect, or are affected by, innovation or technological change". The site has information about the Centre and its staff and includes online full-text copies of CILP's newsletter. Details are given of research projects being carried out at the Centre including links to full text papers where available.

Supreme Court Forecasting Project

The Supreme Court Forecasting Project is based at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. The project looks at "the accuracy of the different ways in which legal experts and political scientists assess and predict Supreme Court decision making". During the Court's 2002 term two methods of predicting the votes of judges were compared. One used a statistical forecasting model and the other used forecasts provided by legal experts. The site provides all the forecasts for 2002. The study has been published in the May 2004 issue of the Columbia Law Review.

Sydney Law Review

Website of the Sydney Law Review (SLR) a quarterly journal published by Lawbook Co. and the University of Sydney Law School. The journal is made freely available in full text on the AustLII (Australasian Legal Information Institute) website from 1953 onwards. The SLR focuses on Australian law and includes articles, case notes and book reviews.


Lawbore, the legal portal of City University in London, is aimed at City law students and others looking for legal information. The site is arranged by subject and includes sections covering banking, commercial, constitutional, criminal, family, environmental, employment and human rights law. There are also sections providing access to legal gateways, research tools, careers information and specific legal documents. Each section provides background information to the subject, a selection of links to related sites and to relevant articles and legal documents.


Website of LawNet, a legal research website produced by the Singapore Academy of Law. The site provides a range of legal information, by subscription, including case law of Singapore and Malaysia, Singaporean legislation, parliamentary reports, treaties and commentary.

Asian Law Centre

Website of the Asian Law Centre at the University of Melbourne. The Centre promotes the teaching of Asian law in Australia and seeks to increase the understanding of Australian law in Asia. The site provides information about courses, research, events, and details of work in progress at the Asian Law Centre. There is free access to the Centre's bibliographic database, Asian Law Online, and a list of research links which can be searched by country. There is access to the contents and abstracts of the Australian Journal of Asian Law, and to the Melbourne Asia Policy Papers

Asian Law Online

Asian Law Online is a bibliographic database produced by the Asian Law Centre at the University of Melbourne School of Law. It comprises references to English-language books, journal articles, theses and book chapters. The database can be browsed by subject and country, or searched by keyword and other criteria. Some records give catalogue references for materials available at the University of Melbourne Library and others link to materials available on subscription services.

Indonesian Legal System: An Overview

Online guide to the Indonesian legal system, by Dr. Benny S. Tablujan, Associate Professor in Business Law at the Nanyang Business School in Singapore. This article was published in the features section of in December 2002. The guide gives background information to the Indonesian government, Constitution, legislation and court system. There is also information relating to the Indonesian legal profession and advice for people researching Indonesian law. (Law Library Resource Xchange) is a free online web journal for legal information professionals.

Croatian Legal System and Legal Research

Online guide to the Croatian legal system written by Dunja Kuecking who is head of the Center for Legal Research and Documentation at Intellectio Luris a Croatian legal database, Milivoje Zugic a specialist in land registry law and Marija Glibota a legal information specialist at Intellectio Iuris. The guide is published on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration

The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA) is a research and education institute associated with Monash University. The AIJA provides courses to the legal profession focusing on court administration and judicial systems. The site gives information about the work of the Institute including council members, standing committees, current research projects and conference and seminar programmes. A list of current publications is included, and AIJA News is available in full text online.

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