law reports

New Zealand's Lost Cases

New Zealand's Lost Cases is a project located at the Victoria University of Wellington, which involves the identification and collation of early New Zealand cases from newspapers, manuscript collections, archives and judges notebooks.  The site currently holds details of all Supreme Court and Court of Appeal cases for the period 1842-1869, along with information on the sources used. The Cases database can be searched by keyword or using an advanced search option; most entries include transcripts of the original source. 

German Law Archive

Website of the German Law Archive which publishes cases, statutes, literature and bibliographies on German law in English its aim being to make German law accessible to any interested users. There is a selection of German legislation along with selected judgements of the Constitutional Court, Federal Court of Justice and higher regional courts. An extensive bibliography of titles on German law in English arranged by legal subject is also given on the site.

Tonga Primary Materials

This PacLII website provides access to a range of full text primary legal materials for Tonga including judgements, legislation, the Constitution and other court related information such as rules and practice directions. There are also links to other Tonga legal sites. PacLII is a joint initiative between the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Researching Third-Party Funding in Investor-State Dispute Settlements

This guide looks at how third-party funding works in the investment arbitration setting. It is written by Sherry Xin Chen who is legal information librarian and lecturer in law at Boston College Law School and Kirrin Hough a U.S. attorney. The guide was published in 2019 (and updated in 2024) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide gives an introduction to third-party funding in investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) and links to resources providing research and data on the industry.

Supreme Court of Finland

The website of the Supreme Court of Finland provides cases, including a small collection of case summaries in English, procedural guidance, annual reports, statistics and other information. The site is mainly in Finnish or Swedish, but also offers content in Sami, English, French, Russian, German and Estonian.

Scottish Courts and Tribunals: Judgments

This page of the Scottish Courts and Tribunals website provides access to judgements of the Scottish courts. The fifty most recent judgements from the following courts can be browsed in full: High Court, Court of Session, Fatal Accident Inquiries, Sheriff Court, Sheriff Appeal Courts (Criminal and Civil) and the Scotland Personal Injury Court. Judgements can also be searched by keyword or using an advanced search option.

Law and Religion Scholars Network

Website of the Law and Religion Scholars Network (LARSN) an initiative of the Centre for Law and Religion at Cardiff University designed to bring together academics who are interested in all areas of law and religion. The website provides free access to a Case Database which includes judgements relating to law and religion delivered by UK courts, the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. Judgements are provided from 2000 onwards with a selection of important earlier cases included. There is also a page of links to related websites.

Project for Interdisciplinary Law and Religion Studies

Website of the Project for Interdisciplinary Law and Religion Studies (PILARS) an initiative of the Open University Law School. The project provides comment and analysis on recent law and religion judgements along with a list of related judgements covering a range of jurisdictions. PILARS also offers guidance on how to write a case comment, a bibliography of law and religion texts and a list of related websites.

OHADA: Organization for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa

This is the official website of OHADA. The main part of the site provides the OHADA Treaty and OHADA uniform acts in English and French; it also has recent cases from the Cour Commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage and legal commentary (‘Doctrine’), but these are in French only. A larger repository of OHADA documentation can be found in the Digital Library: all issues of the OHADA Journal Officiel (Official Gazette), cases from 2010 onwards, uniform acts and other material, all in French.

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