law reports

Lesotho Legal Information Institute

Website of LesLII a project providing access to Lesotho legal materials established with support from the African Legal Information Institute (African LII). The site provides full text judgements of the Court of Appeal, Labour Court, Labour Appeal Court, High Court and High Court Commercial Division, High Court Constitutional Division and High Court Land Division. Selected legislation back to 1967 is also offered along with other documents including Law Society Rules and practice directives.

Seychelles Legal Information Institute

Website of the Seychelles Legal Information Institute (SeyLII). This site provides free access to Seychelles consolidated legislation, statutory instruments, acts as enacted and judgements of the Seychelles Constitutional and Supreme courts. Court documents- practice directions and causelists- are provided along with an eGrey Book which includes the most frequently cited legislation in Seychelles. SeyLII is a project of the Seychelles Judiciary with support from the African Legal Information Institute (AfricanLII).

Cameras in the Streets: Focus on Justice

Online guide looking at the issues arising from the increased use of videotaped information provided by the police and public in legal cases. The guide was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association and was published in December 2014 on The author brings together cases, reports, articles, websites and news items that cover privacy issues, use of video as evidence and the civil rights of the videographer. Not all of the resources linked to are freely available. The guide relates to United States law throughout.

Legal Research & Mooting Skills Programme

Online tutorial provided for students at University of Oxford, Faculty of Law taking the Legal Research & Mooting Skills Programme and made freely available on Faculty of Law web page. The tutorial is organised into three sections providing an introduction to the different types of legal materials, electronic resources and printed resources for legal research. There is guidance on how UK and EU law reports and legislation are prepared, produced and published, information on citing legal references and a link to OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities).

Court Services of Timor-Leste

Website providing information on the courts of Timor-Leste (East Timor). There is information on the Court of Appeal including the names of the judges, full-text judgments and laws; the laws include the Civil Code, Penal Code, the Constitution, Code of Civil Procedure and the Code of Criminal Procedure. Contact details of the District Courts are also given. The site is available to view in Portuguese only.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights Database

Searchable summaries of Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) decisions, in English. Detailed summaries are available for some cases, covering the facts, procedural history, merits, and state compliance with the judgment; for other cases only a short abstract is provided. The database can be searched by case name, country, topic, treaty article and other criteria. It is an initiative of Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. (For full IACHR judgments, in Spanish, see the Court’s own website.)

United Kingdom Supreme Court

A BAILII database, providing all decisions of the UK Supreme Court from October 2009 (when it replaced the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords as the UK's highest court) onwards. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service aiming to deliver free access to primary legal materials for the UK and of Ireland.


JADE (Judgments and Decisions Enhanced) is a free service produced by a group of Sydney barristers. It provides a searchable and browseable collection of Australian court and tribunal decisions and aims for comprehensive coverage of new cases. There is also a case citator called ‘CaseTrace’. Cases can be bookmarked and annotated, and RSS or email alerts are available for new cases.

Case law in an era of heightened scrutiny

Online guide to the writing and publishing of United States case law. The guide was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in August 2014 on The guide provides commentary on and links to articles from law review, books, guides and reports on the publishing of case law. There are also links to manuals on opinion writing. Not all of the materials linked to are available in full text.

Calculating Justice: Mathematics and Criminal Law

Online guide looking at the importance of maths in the administration of justice such as the role of statistics and probability in forensic evidence or eyewitness statements. The guide was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in December 2013 on The guide gives commentary on and links to United States cases, legal articles and books. Not all of the resources linked to are freely available.

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