law reports

Judiciary of the Dominican Republic

The Judiciary website provides information on the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) the highest court in the Dominican Republic and the Council of the Judiciary which is the body responsible for judicial administration and discipline. There are profiles of the judges for both bodies along with judgements of the SCJ and decisions of the Council. The Dominican Constitution and legislation governing the judiciary are also available. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

National School of the Judiciary of the Dominican Republic

Website of the National School of the Judiciary which is responsible for providing training to members of the judiciary in the Dominican Republic. There are details of training programmes, news items and webinars which are free to view. The site also has a virtual library providing free access to legislation and decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Constitutional Court. An online archive (1977 to 2015) of the legal journal Revista de Ciencias Juridicas is also given in full text. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

Find case law

Case database launched by The National Archives in April 2022. Covers cases from the UK Supreme Court, the Privy Council, the Court of Appeal, the England and Wales High Court and various tribunals. At the time of writing, the court judgments go back to 2003 and the tribunal decisions (as a rule) to 2016. Basic and advanced search facilities are available. Cases may be downloaded in pdf or xml format.

Court Documentation and Education Department

Website of the Court Documentation Centre of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This provides selected decisions from Bosnia and Herzegovina courts and from the European Court of Human Rights for the Western Balkans. Other materials available include full text laws and codes and other legal publications of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is also a map showing war crimes that have been legally concluded in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The SHERLOC (Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws on Crime) website has been compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). It’s aim is to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the Convention’s three protocols and the international legal framework against terrorism.

EUAA Case Law Database

This website provides access to the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA) Case Law Database which includes national case law relating to the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). Cases issued by national and international courts (covering both the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights) are included and can be searched or browsed by date, country or topic. A case summary is given on the site along with a link to the original source. The site also contains EUAA publications and links to member states’ judicial institutions.

Corte Suprema di Cassazione

Website of the Italian Court of Cassation, providing information about the court and its administration. The ‘Servizio Online’ page gives links to Italian legislation, cases and other legal resources, including SentenzeWeb, a database of civil and criminal cases decided by the Court of Cassation in the last five years.  

Portal da legislaçao

Official Brazilian legislation portal, providing federal legislation and federal bills, together with links to state legislation, federal cases and treaties. The federal legislation section includes the Constitution, codes, laws, decrees and bills; there is a separate section for historical legislation, which goes back to the early nineteenth century.

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