international law

Berkeley Journal of International Law

The Berkeley Journal of International Law (BJIL) is published three times a year by students at Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California at Berkeley. It covers public and private international law. Recent articles are made freely available on its website, together with details of the editorial and advisory boards, information about BJIL's annual symposia and a set of links to international law websites.

Melbourne Journal of International Law

The Melbourne Journal of International Law (MJIL) is a peer-reviewed academic journal managed by law students at the University of Melbourne in Australia. It is published twice yearly and covers both public and private international law. The entire series is available on the website, together with details of the Editorial Board, Advisory Board and Honorary Advisory Board.

The IBA International Anti-Money Laundering Forum: the Lawyer's Guide to Legislation and Compliance

This International Bar Association (IBA) website is a discussion forum and source of information for lawyers working in the anti-money laundering field. It provides an introduction to the subject of anti-money laundering, together with outlines of anti-money laundering regimes worldwide. There is an implementation chart for the EU's Third Money Laundering Directive (2005/60/EC) and another chart shows which countries of the world have anti-money laundering legislation applying to lawyers. The Reading Room section provides articles, news, book reviews and other information.

Chicago Journal of International Law

The Chicago Journal of International Law (CJIL) is published twice yearly by the University of Chicago Law School. It is an interdisciplinary publication covering international law and policy. Contents pages for every issue of the journal are available on the CJIL website and abstracts are provided for most of the earlier articles, but the full text is only available with a Westlaw subscription. The website also gives details of the CJIL Management Board and staff members.

Secretariat for Legal Affairs, Organization of American States

The Secretariat for Legal Affairs forms part of the Organization for American States (OAS) providing advice and legal services to the OAS in the field of public international law and private international law. The OAS is a regional forum for dialogue and cooperation on political, economic and social issues in the Americas. The site explains the work of the Inter-American Specialized Conferences on Private International Law (CIDIP) who produce international instruments such as conventions, protocols, uniform documents and model laws which are provided on the site.

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) is a judicial body established by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. It is based in the German city of Hamburg. The website provides proceedings and judgments from the first case onwards, together with statutes, rules, regulations, the text of the Convention and other agreements and press releases. Background information about the Tribunal is available, as are profiles of the judges and information about procedure. The site is in English and French.

Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks

Information about the Madrid System For the International Registration of Trademarks, on the World Intellectual Property Organization's website. The site gives an overview of the System, along with a more detailed procedural guide. The relevant legal texts are made available, including the Madrid Protocol, the Madrid Agreement, Common Regulations and Administrative Instructions. Information notices relating to changes or amendments in the system are provided, along with forms and other details.

International Space Law

This section of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) website provides access to legal materials and background documents about international space law. These include treaties (bilateral and multilateral); General Assembly resolutions; a database of national laws and official documents relating to outer space (including a directory of space law courses, 'Educational opportunities in space law'); and studies by UNOOSA.

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