international law

Earth Negotiations Bulletin

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin is published online through the Linkages website and produced by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). The Bulletin is intended to provide balanced, objective and informative summaries of international environment and development negotiations. Each volume covers a particular topic, such as a conference or convention, with individual issues providing short news reports on progress. Each volume also contains summary issues which contain full reports and analyses, and has an associated Linkages page with related information.

European Environmental Law Network

The European Environmental Law Network's website contains dossiers of articles and papers on air quality, European climate policy and the Francovich case, together with EU environmental case law, EU treaties and secondary legislation and other EU documentation. There is a National Pages section covering forty different countries (EU member states, candidate countries and other states such as Russia and Israel). For each country there are links to a wide variety of environmental law sites, including sources of legislation, case law and commentary.

SICE Foreign Trade Information System

The Foreign Trade Information System (Sistema de Informacion al Comercio Exterior, or SICE) is produced by the Organization of American States (OAS) as a central source of information about trade policy in the region. The SICE website provides full-text trade agreements, national legislation on trade-related matters, a glossary of trade terms and other information. The site is in English and Spanish.

Center For World Indigenous Studies

The Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS) is an independent, non-profit research and education organisation dedicated to wider understanding and appreciation of the ideas and knowledge of indigenous peoples and the social, economic and political situation of indigenous nations. The Center is active in areas of international law, health policy and public debate. The website provides information about CWIS activities, which include research, seminars, courses and fellowships.

Multilaterals Project

The Multilaterals Project, begun in 1992, is based at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA. It makes available the texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments. The collection covers agreements in the fields of environmental law, human rights, commerce, war, arms control and other areas. Although the vast majority of texts date from the second half of the twentieth century, the site also provides historical texts, from the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia to the Covenant of the League of Nations.

International Journal of Nuclear Law

Website of the International Journal of Nuclear Law (IJNucL), which is published four times a year by Inderscience. IJNucL is aimed at professionals and academics in the field of nuclear law and provides a forum for analysis of issues relating to nuclear laws and regulations. The journal contains scholarly articles, commentaries, conference papers, news and book reviews covering nuclear legislation, jurisprudence, international agreements licensing, inspection and enforcement, radiation protection and nuclear safety. A sample issue of the journal is available in full, free of charge.


Free database of treaty information on the Dutch government website, Covers treaties to which the Netherlands is a party and/or the depositary. Includes the title, the date the treaty came into force, the parties, where the treaty is published, renunciations, declarations and depositary notifications. Provides links to the text of each treaty in the Tractatenblad ('Treaty Series') or other official sources, in Dutch. The search interface is available in either English or Dutch.

International Courts and Tribunals Library

A WorldLII database containing over 20,000 decisions from around 20 international courts and tribunals. Users can choose to search or browse the cases of one court or tribunal, all courts/tribunals or regional groups of courts/tribunals; the latter include all African courts and tribunals, all European courts and tribunals, all human rights courts and tribunals and all trade courts and tribunals. A background paper about the project and is available on the website.

An Introduction to Sources for Treaty Research

Electronic guide to the resources available for researching treaties, by Mark Engsberg, Foreign and International Law Librarian at Yale's Lillian Goldman Law Library. The guide was published in 2006 (and updated in 2021) on the Globalex Website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. The author identifies the tools available for researching both bilateral and multilateral treaties. There is an introduction to treaties and international agreements and an explanation of commonly used terms.

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