international law

World Trade Organization

WTO research guide compiled by the Peace Palace Library at The Hague. Gives a brief introduction to the WTO, a bibliography and links to blogs and other web resources. Also mentions relevant databases. The guide is primarily intended for users of the Peace Palace Library, so it focuses on print and online material available at the Library; however, the information is also of interest to other researchers. The guide is in English.


UNILEX is a browsable database produced by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT). It contains case law and bibliographies relating to the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts. The text of each instrument is provided, along with a list of participating countries. The cases are arranged by date, country, arbitral award and by article and issues.

World Trade Law is a US-based information service produced by former international trade lawyers Simon Lester and Kara Leitner, providing access to both free and subscription resources. Free aspects of the site include full-text World Trade Organization (WTO) documents along with agreements of the Uruguay Round and Tokyo Round. There are WTO Appellate Body Reports, WTO Panel Reports and GATT Panel Reports, documents concerning WTO negotiating history, a selection of trade articles and links to related sites.

Institute of Business Law and Comparative Law and Politics

Website of the Institute of Business Law and Comparative Law and Politics (IBC), University of Tokyo. The IBC was formed in 2006 through the integration of the Center for Foreign Law Materials (established in 1963), the International Center for Comparative Law and Politics (ICCLP, established in 1993) and the Business Law Center (established in 2001). The site has information about the activities of the Institute. It provides access to a few full-text publications, such as the ICCLP Review (1998-2002), and gives bibliographic details of others.

Union Internationale des Avocats

The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) is a non-governmental organisation established in 1927 to establish international contacts between lawyers. It seeks to promote and defend the legal profession, uphold international principles of human rights and justice and develop the body of international legal knowledge. Commissions of the UIA carry out research and development work on more than 40 aspects of law and legal practice.

World Intellectual Property Organization: Database of WIPO Cases and WIPO Panel Decisions

A free database of internet domain name dispute cases, provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization's Arbitration and Mediation Center in Geneva. The Center offers alternative dispute resolution services in international commercial disputes between private parties. All the domain name cases back to 1999 are available in the database, searchable by domain name, key word, party names or case number. The full text of the decisions is available. The site also provides indexes of decisions by domain name category and by legal point, together with lists of the most-cited cases.

Annals of Air and Space Law

Web pages of the journal Annals of Air and Space Law, published since 1976 by the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Contents pages are available for every volume and an index covering the period 1982 to 2008 is also provided. Details of the editorial board, requirements for submissions and information about subscriptions can also be found on the site.

Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University

The Institute for Human Rights is part of the Department of Law at the Åbo Akademi University, Finland. Its main areas of research are the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples; economic and social rights; non-discrimination; fundamental standards of humanity; participation and democracy; and human rights in domestic legal systems. The Institute is the Finnish documentation centre for literature on human rights and a Council of Europe depository library for information concerning the European Convention on Human Rights. The website is in English.

Boston College International and Comparative Law Review

The Boston College International and Comparative Law Review is a biannual journal publishing commentary on international and EU law issues. It includes articles by both students and academics. Each spring issue of the journal features articles on a variety of international and comparative law topics; each winter issue is a survey of European Union developments. The website makes available several old issues of the journal (1999 to 2002), free of charge.

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