international law

Bodleian Library League of Nations research guide

A research guide provided by the Bodleian Library in Oxford, covering the League of Nations. The guide contains information on the structure of the League of Nations, links to useful resources such as journals and books and a detailed guide to the League of Nations’ documents and publications, including the complicated numbering system of their documents. There is also a comprehensive list of links to archives, personal papers and guides relating the League of Nations. Some of the links and resources are Oxford-specific, but the majority are available for all to use.


Internationales Recht

International law section of the German Foreign Office website, giving details of the multilateral treaties for which Germany is the depositary, under ‘Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Verwahrer mehrseitiger völkerrechtlicher Verträge’, and providing a small selection of documents relating to German state practice in international law, under ‘Aktuelle Völkerrechtspraxis Deutschlands’.

Asian and Pacific Law Guide

A legal research guide for Asia and the Pacific region, created by the library at the University of Sydney. Includes regional legal information as well as covering twenty-five individual jurisdictions. For each jurisdiction, there are annotated links to sources of legislation and cases, information about the legal system, information relating to international law (such as participation in treaties), and links to research guides.  

International Atomic Energy Agency: Treaties

This part of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) website provides access to treaties the IAEA is involved with. These include international agreements negotiated and concluded by IAEA Member States, agreements to which the IAEA is a party (acting as an international organisation) and IAEA-related treaties which are relevant to the Agency’s work. Subjects covered include nuclear safety, nuclear security, nuclear non-proliferation and civil liability for nuclear damage. Treaties are given in full text in a range of languages in PDF.

Handbook on Nuclear Law

Ebook published by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 2003 and made freely available on the IAEA website. The handbook provides guidance for governments on enhancing nuclear energy laws and regulations. There are sections on radiation protection, nuclear and radiation safety, nuclear liability, non-proliferation and physical protection. The book is presented  in PDF. The IAEA is an international organisation within the UN System.

ICSID Databases

This part of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) website provides access to a range of databases maintained by the ICSID. There is a database of member states which gives details of signatories to the ICSID Convention, a searchable database of cases administered by ICSID and a directory of arbitrators and conciliators appointed to the ICSID Panels. There is a database listing bilateral investment treaties searchable by signatory states, treaty and year of signature. The treaty text isn’t given.

A Brief Introduction to the Right to Privacy – An International Legal Perspective

Online guide to the right to privacy written by Md. Toriqul Islam who is research fellow at the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya in Malaysia. The guide was published in 2022 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide looks at the history, meaning and value of privacy and international and regional legal instruments which have privacy provisions including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Privacy Framework and the ASEAN Framework on Personal Data Protection.

Concórdia: Acervo de atos internacionais do Brasil

Database of more than 12,000 Brazilian treaties, provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Contains instruments dating from 1822 to the present day, whether in force or not. Basic and advanced search facilities are available. The text of each instrument is available in pdf and/or html format, together with information about the status of each treaty. The interface and treaty documents are in Portuguese.


Researching the Right to Housing

Online guide to resources on housing rights written by S M Atia Naznin who is a lecturer at the School of Law, BRAC University, in Bangladesh. The guide was published in 2018 (and updated in 2024) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author provides an introduction and links to relevant sections of the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights along with other related international and regional  instruments.

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