government administration

Falkland Islands Government

Official website of the Falkland Islands Government. The Falklands are an overseas territory of the United Kingdom with an elected government and a Governor who exercises executive authority on behalf of the UK Government. The site outlines the system of government in the Falklands and provides background information on the history, economy, business and environment of the Islands. The site includes news items, information on the Legislative Assembly and a page of related web links.

Official site of the Republic of Djibouti

Official website of the Djibouti government. The site has background information about Djibouti including the history, geography, politics and economy of the country. There is an outline of the system of government, details of government members and information on the role of institutions such as the National Assembly and the Constitutional Council. Minutes of meetings of the Council of Ministers are given along with a profile of the President and text of his speeches.

Government of the Republic of Slovenia

Official website of the government of Slovenia. The site provides background about Slovenia covering its history, culture, economy, tourism and an outline of government administration in Slovenia. There is information about and links to the various ministries and offices and an outline of the structure and role of the Slovenian government. Press releases concerning government activities and Slovenian news items are also given along with a selection of audio and video clips. The site can be viewed in English and Slovenian.

Bénin Government Portal

The Bénin Government website provides information on the Government's activities and primary objectives. There is an overview of Bénin covering its history, economy, society and infrastructure. Information is given on the role and functions of the various government ministries and other governmental bodies including the High Court of Justice, the National Assembly, the Constitutional Court and the President of the Republic. A copy of the Bénin Constitution can be viewed in French as a PDF document and a copy of the Bénin Investment Code is presented in English.

Keshilli i Ministrave i Republikes se Shqiperise

Official website of the Albanian Council of Ministers, the executive body made up of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and 18 ministers. The site provides biographical information about the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, background information about Albania and a full text copy of the Albanian Constitution. There are news items detailing the activities of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers.

Government of the Slovak Republic

Website of the Slovak Government Office, the body which deals with state administration. The site provides background on the organisation and structure of the Slovak Government and basic facts about the Slovak Republic. Profiles are given of the Prime Minister and members of the Government. Copies of key Government documents can be viewed in full-text on the site including the Constitution and the Government's manifesto. Links are given to the websites of the various government departments and other governmental institutions. The site can be viewed in English and Slovakian.

Swedish Ministry of Justice

Official website of the Swedish Ministry of Justice, the government department responsible for legislation concerning the constitution, general administrative law, civil law, procedural law, criminal law, migration and asylum policy. The site has profiles of ministers, news items and publications on the Swedish judicial system.

Cayman Islands Government

Web portal of the Cayman Islands government. The Cayman Islands are a British dependency consisting of 3 islands in the western Caribbean. The website provides information about the structure of government and the judiciary and provides links to government departments and services. Profiles are given for members of the Legislative Assembly along with details of chief officers and justices of the peace.

Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website of the Lithuanian Government. This site includes a profile of the Prime Minister and other ministers and links to the various government departments. There is a database of Lithuanian laws and other legal documents going back to 1883. These can be searched by institution document type, date, language and various other parameters. The records provide the full-text of the law in HTML or Word and there are links to related documents. Laws are available in a range of languages but most appear in either English, Russian or Lithuanian.

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