government administration

Government of the Federated States of Micronesia

The website of the National Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), its departments, and overseas missions, hosted by the FSM mission to the United Nations in New York. Site contains both current and archived government press releases, information and contact details for government offices and officials at both federal and state level, and a list of all multilateral treaties which FSM have ratified.

Assembleia da República (AR)

Website of the Portuguese Assembleia Dà Republica. Provides detailed background information about the structure of the Government and the roles of different departments. Users can access the catalogue of the Parliament Library which includes Ebsco Open Access journal titles, mainly in full text. Many of the journals included are English language titles. A Legislative Procedure database allows users to search all legal texts passed by the Republic since October 1991. The main texts of the site are also available in English and French.

Consiglio Grande e Generale

The Great and General Council of the Republic of San Marino webpages. Includes searchable archives of legislation and meetings of the council. Also contains information regarding structure, history and current activity of the governmental body of San Marino. Please note this website is only available in Italian.

Government of Ireland

Official portal to Irish government websites, covering government departments, agencies and other official bodies. There is also a directory of online government services, with links, and a large collection of information for citizens. The site is available in English and Irish.

Laws of South Sudan

Web page providing information on the Constitution and laws of South Sudan. The site is hosted by the Gurtong Trust a not-for-profit peace and media project based in South Sudan. There is a guide to the legal system in Southern Sudan and full text legislation including a copy of the 2005 Interim Constitution. There is also information on the customary laws of South Sudan, its judiciary and court system.

Public bodies publications

This collection, provided by the Cabinet Office brings together all documents relating to public bodies. This includes documents related to reform of public bodies, public bodies and guidance for departments. The reports provide data relating to each executive agency, non-departmental public body, and non-ministerial department. Includes annual editions of the annual publication (now ceased), Public Bodies, 1997 to 2015.


GOV.UK is the official UK government website, replacing the Directgov and Business Link sites. Individual government departments' websites have all been (or will be) merged into GOV.UK. The site provides policy information and other departmental materials. There is an extensive Publications database, containing consultation documents, treaties, official guidance, annual reports, statistics and more. The site also includes information and online services for individuals and businesses, on a wide range of topics.

Parliament of Canada

The website of the Parliament of Canada provides information about the work, organisation and history of the Canadian Senate, House of Commons and parliamentary committees. Details of current legislation and the work of previous sessions are given. Debates and committee minutes are available from 1996 onwards and bills or acts from 1994 onwards . Other official publications on the site include committee reports and minutes of committee proceedings. There is a directory of current Members of both Houses. The About Parliament section includes historical and procedural information.

Web links: Canada

Set of links to Canadian law websites, compiled by the Law Library at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto. Covers research guides and gateways; legislative materials and treaties; courts and caselaw; government; news; law schools and libraries; law societies and organizations; law firm directories; publishers; and blogs.

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