government administration

Falkland Islands Constitution

Explanatory note and copy of the constitution of the Falkland Islands which came into operation on 1 January 2009 following from agreement by the UK Government and the Falkland Islands Government. The Falkland Islands Constitution Order 2008, made on 5 November 2008 by Her Majesty the Queen in the Privy Council, is available for download from the site as a PDF file.

The Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland

Provides an introduction to the Kingdom and Government of Swaziland both for national and overseas users. This includes drop-down links to pages for all the government departments with an outline of policies/services offered and background information. Another part focuses on a brief history of the King of Swaziland and his current role. There are sections for local citizens, businesses and visiting tourists. Access is given in PDF format to a 2012 budget speech, speech from the Throne and government press statement.

Seychelles Government

Portal giving access to basic information about the President, Vice President and government departments. There are also links to the texts of the Budget and State of the Nation addresses of 2011. This is part of larger government portal giving general information on a selection of topics eg. business, culture, education and tourism. The site may still be under construction as the links to government departments are not yet active.

Latvijas Republikas Saeima

The official website of the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia. Available for the most part in Latvian and English, however most of the parliamentary documents available from the site are in Latvian only. Contains a wealth of information about the structure, operation and processes of the Parliament, from real time work schedules to member profiles, as well as information about how the Latvian legislative processes work. Includes the full text, in English, of the constitution, and laws as passed in Latvian only.

Service Public fr: le Site Officiel de l’Administration Française

Service-Public fr is the official gateway to the French Civil Service for individual citizens and professionals. It aims to guide citizens on public services available in France at a national and local level. In so doing, it explains rights and responsibilities, and includes a glossary of administrative and legal terms. To aid browsing, the site offers themes (argent, famille, logement, etc.) and a detailed list of dossiers. The tab on justice, for example, offers an accessible and detailed overview of the French justice system.

Tonga government portal

Official web portal for the Tongan government, maintained by the Tongan ministry of information and communications. As well as providing official links to all Tongan government ministries and departments, the site also provides access to numerous other resources, such as an archive of the state-owned Tongan newspaper The Chronicle, dating back to its inception in the 1960s, official press releases, copies of ministerial speeches, budget statements and business information. Limited search opportunities, but good navigation and browse facilities.

Estonian state portal

the official e-portal of the Estonian state (public, private and third sector), available in Estonian, English and Russian. Site contains a wealth of information for citizens and businesses within Estonia, which can be searched from the main page, or browsed from numerous cross indexed lists relating to the work of the various departments of the government. While some areas require you to be a registered user of the site (which incurs a fee) the majority is free to access.


A portal managed by the Portuguese Ministério da Justiça. Features include a database which allows users to perform searches related to the Portuguese court system and the allocation of cases to the different courts. The service covers different types of court including the Court of First Instance, appeal courts, administrative and regional courts and provides links to their websites and also to those of related government departments. Other resources covered include the court libraries and the Leis da Justiça project managed by the Direcção-Geral da Politica de Justiça (DGPJ).

Direcção-Geral da Politica de Justiça (DGPJ)

The DGPJ is a state central body of direct administration. It gives technical support related to the production of legislation and monitors policies and strategic planning and international affairs. Sections of the site give background information on these roles. Full text access is given to the Justice Statistical database and to the Justice Laws project (Leis da Justiça). This legislation project is divided into chapters relating to different areas of law relevant to the work of the DGPJ. Each chapter has an introduction and links to the full text legislation..

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