
Same-Sex Marriage: A Selective Bibliography of the Legal Literature

Online bibliography compiled by Paul Axel-Lute of the Rutgers Law Library at the Rutgers School of Law-Newark in the United States. The bibliography was first published in September 2002 and was last updated in June 2010. The emphasis is on US law and the bibliography provides references and links to materials supporting both sides of the argument. There is a brief introduction giving background and historical information to the movement for same-sex marriage and the first part of the bibliography includes web based resources and books.

European Aviation Safety Agency

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is a regulatory agency of the European Union whose role is to maintain and improve aviation safety in Europe. The website explains the EASA's structure and functions and gives information about its activities in the fields of rulemaking, certification, maintenance, environmental protection, Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) and procurement. EASA documentation is available, including Opinions and Decisions. The site also has proceedings from Management Board meetings.


IPKat is an intellectual property blog produced by a group of UK-based IP lawyers and patent agents. Founded in 2003, it focuses on UK and European law and covers issues such as copyright, patents, trademarks and branding. Links to other relevant web resources such as cases, legislation, news sources and company websites are also included.

European Constitutional Law Network

The European Constitutional Law Network (ECLN) was set up by Professor Ingolf Pernice of the Walter Hallstein-Institute for European Constitutional Law, Berlin. It is an academic forum on European constitutional law. The website has links to constitutions of EU member states and future member states. Countries are listed alphabetically, with each constitution presented in English and in the original language; some texts are also in French, German, Spanish and/or Italian.

Minority Rights Information System

Website of the Minority Rights Information System (MIRIS), hosted by the European Academy of Bolzano (EURAC), a research institute established in Italy in 1992. The database provides information on the implementation of minority rights in the member states of the Council of Europe and includes national legislation and case-law, international treaties and agreements of the UN, Council of Europe and the OSCE, case studies and specific documents on minority groups. Texts are made available in English and the official language of the state concerned.


Journal published by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), covering all aspects of European Union administration. Previously on the EIPA website, the journal is now available from 1992 to 2012 from the Archive of European Integration, an online service run by the University of Pittsburgh in the United States. Each article is provided in pdf format.

German Law Journal

This online journal contains full-text articles in English covering legal developments in German and European jurisprudence. It is edited by Dr. Russell A. Miller, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Idaho College of Law, and Peer Zumbansen, who holds the Canada Research Chair of Transnational and Comparative Corporate Governance at Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, Toronto, Canada. Issues of the journal are available back to October 2000 and are searchable as well as browseable.

Eversheds Sutherland

Eversheds Sutherland is a law firm with offices in the UK, continental Europe and Asia. The website gives profiles of the areas of work the company covers including aerospace, central government, food, education, energy, financial institutions, healthcare, industrial engineering, local government, retail and transport. Each department includes contacts and services with some areas having a journal or briefing with relevant in-house articles, newsletters and bulletins.

Conference of European Constitutional Courts

Website of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts an association established in 1972 to promote the exchange of ideas among European constitutional courts and other organisations with constitutional jurisdiction. The Conference holds a regular three-yearly Congress along with other specialised conferences "with a view to sharing experience as regards constitutional practice jurisprudence in a general European context".


The website of Eurasylum, a company established in April 2001 which conducts research and consultancy for government departments, judicial bodies, international organisations and NGO's in the areas of immigration and asylum policy. The website provides general information about the company, links to a range of news sources covering immigration and asylum issues, organisations providing courses and training on refugee and immigration law and conference information.

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