
Statistik Austria

Statistik Österreich, now called Statistik Austria, became an independent body in January 2000. Its remit is to disseminate national statistics in an impartial manner. Profiles cover economic, demographic, social, ecological and cultural aspects of Austria. Some information can be downloaded in PDF or Excel format, but it is not all freely available. It is also possible to search for Statistik Austria's publications by subject. All texts are in German. The English version of the site contains a limited amount of information.

Council of Europe Conventions

Online version of the Council of Europe Treaty Series (CETS), formerly 'European Treaty Series' (ETS), and other Council of Europe treaty information. The site provides all the conventions and agreements prepared and negotiated within the institutional framework of the CoE, together with summaries and explanatory reports. It gives information on the preparation and legal status of treaties and the treaty-making process and provides a glossary.

European Information

A collection of annotated links to resources of interest to those researching and studying the European Union and to research sponsored by the European Community. The site was created in 2010 by the European Documentation Centre at the University of Exeter's Law Library. The site contains links concerning: European Documentation Centres; library catalogues; bibliographies; web searching; EU institutions; EU official publications; document collections, e.g.

One Europe or Several? The Dynamics of Change Across Europe

This is the website of an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) programme which studied several areas of change and development within contemporary Europe. It ended in 2003. The programme aimed to examine " ... contemporary processes of political, security, economic, social and cultural change across the European continent, notably in relation to influences on convergence and divergence within and between European countries and prospects for integration and fragmentation." One Europe or Several?

Historical Archives of the European Union

Website of the Historical Archives of the European Union, which is based at the European University Institute in Italy. It consists substantially of bibliographic references to official documents produced by the major EU/EC institutions, including: the European Economic Community, the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, the Council of Ministers, the European Commission and the European Parliament. Despite its name, however, it also covers archives relating to non-EU/EC bodies and archives acquired from individuals.

Council of Europe (ETS No.126) - European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

The full-text of the Convention that "provides for the setting up of an international committee empowered to visit all places where persons are deprived of their liberty by a public authority. The committee, composed of independent experts, may make recommendations and suggest improvements in order to strengthen, if necessary, the protection of persons visited from torture and from inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

The home page for the Directorate General of Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission. Its mission is to promote a high level of employment and social protection, to raise the standard of living and quality of life, and to promote economic and social cohesion and solidarity among Member States. It also tackles discrimination. These pages provide information and news on the various areas of activity currently undertaken. The e-library contains details of publications, including those of the former DG, with links to many of them in full text.


Europa is the official website of the European Union and its homepage is a portal to EU information and documentation. The site explains how the EU works and gives details of its policies on all topics. The EU Law section explains how laws are made and provides links to EU treaties, legislation and cases. The Publications section includes official reports, statistics and other documents. There is also a section providing information for businesses. The site is run by the European Commission on behalf of the EU as a whole; it is available in all the official EU languages.

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