
Finding the Law of the Micro-States and Small Jurisdictions of Europe

Online guide, written by Andrew Grossman who is a retired U.S. Foreign Service Officer, to finding sources of primary and secondary law for “small jurisdictions” of Europe -defined as “political entities having a population under one million persons”. The guide was published in 2024 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives links to academic works on micro-states and to law libraries that hold printed materials on these jurisdictions.

Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP)

The Council of Europe’s HELP programme provides free online training for lawyers, prosecutors and the judiciary in the CoE member states, with the aim of enhancing the national implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights; it also provides training on the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and European Social Charter (‘HELP in the EU’), as well as carrying out work with academia (‘HELP in Universities’). The HELP website has an e-learning platform and a catalogue of courses.

Verfassungsblog - on matters constitutional

Verfassungsblog - on matters constitutional was founded in 2009 by legal journalist and writer Maximilian Steinbeis. Blog posts provide topical comment and analysis on issues of constitutional law and policy in Germany, Europe and beyond. The majority of posts are written in English or German; a regular editorial is provided in both languages. Posts are written by a wide range of academic contributors and are aimed at the general public.  A basic search function is available.

Octopus Cybercrime Community

Website of the Octopus Cybercrime Community, an initiative of the Council of Europe for information sharing and cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence. Resources on the site include the Country Wiki, giving details of national cybercrime policy, legislation (including links to full-text legislation) and cases, together with information about each country's status regarding the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime.

Council of Europe: Evaluation of Judicial Systems (CEPEJ-STAT)

CEPEJ-STAT is a database developed by the Council of Europe’s European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ). It allows users to find and compare data on the efficiency, quality and effectiveness of the judicial systems of Council of Europe member states. Ir includes information on the budgets of the judicial systems in individual member states, gender equality and use of information technology in the courts. The database is updated every two years. The CEPEJ-STAT website also provides supporting documentation on the methodology and data collection.

Council of Europe European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ)

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) is the body established by the Council of Europe to improve the quality and efficiency of European judicial systems and strengthen court users’ confidence in them. The CEPEJ develops tools to support member states in their reform of court organisations and implement European justice standards. The site gives information on the work of the CEPEJ including the CEPEJ-STAT database which has comparison data for the judicial systems of the Council of Europe's member states.

European Law Blog

The European Law Blog is written and edited by legal scholars and practitioners based in countries around Europe. Blog posts provide commentary on developments in EU case law, EU legislation and new legal literature. Posts can be browsed by topic or date. A list of other blogs on European law is also given.

2018 Reform of EU Data Protection Rules

This page on the European Commission website provides information on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into force in May 2018. The GDPR will establish one set of data protection rules for all companies operating in the EU and gives people more control over their personal data. There is information aimed at businesses and organisations on what they must do to comply with the new rules and a section aimed at the general public on how their personal data is protected.

EU General Data Protection Regulation

This website is provided by IT company Trunomi and is designed to provide information to the public on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into force on 25th May 2018. The site gives an overview of the main changes to data protection law being introduced by the GDPR along with an outline of the European Union legislative process and the GDPR timeline. There are links to the full text regulation and to articles and comment on law firm websites.

UK in a Changing Europe

Website of the UK in a Changing Europe research initiative which is based at King’s College London and looks at key aspects of UK and EU dynamics. Research is focused on Brexit and covers a wide range of issues viewed from a legal, political and economic perspective. The site gives details of the various research projects being conducted including the effect of Brexit on UK residents in Europe, Brexit and Northern Ireland, health law outside the EU and the effect of Brexit on UK and EU immigrations policies.

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