ethnic groups

Māori and Indigenous Governance Centre

Website of the Māori and Indigenous Governance Centre, a research group within the Faculty of Law at the University of Waikato. The aim of the Centre is to improve governance through research, training and collaboration. A selection of recent publications can be freely downloaded from the site, and other reports are available to purchase. Recent reports have looked at Māori economic performance and ethical issues relating to biobanking and genomic research.

Te Tai Haruru: Journal of Māori Legal Writing

Online version of the Journal of Māori Legal Writing (Te Tai Haruru), which is written by staff at the Te Tai Haruru research group at the University of Auckland. The research group focuses on research and teaching relating to Māori legal issues. Articles published in the journal have covered topics such as indigenous peoples’ rights, the Treaty of Waitangi, cultural and  intellectual property rights and comparative indigenous issues. 

Contemporary land grabbing, research, and bibliography

Online guide to the acquisition of large areas of land by foreign investors in developing countries, mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. The guide was written by Jootaek Lee who is Senior Law Librarian (Research Librarian for Foreign, Comparative & International Law), Lecturer, and Affiliated Faculty for the Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy (PHRGE) at the Northeastern University School of Law.

Migration Policy Group

The Migration Policy Group (MPG) is an independent group based in Brussels which seeks to influence and improve public policy making relating to international migration. Its website provides information on the aims of the group, MPG's programmes and projects, national migration country reports, publications and journals including the 'Migration News Sheet'

Institute of Race Relations

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) is a London-based charitable organisation, which conducts research and produces educational resources relating to racial equality in Britain and internationally. The journal Race and Class is available online by subscription. Briefing papers are made freely available in PDF and cover issues such as EU deportation policies, French parliamentary commission on the burqa or niqab and the Swiss referendum on minarets.. Information about using the IRR's library is available, along with references to projects (including many online reports) and news.

Black Lawyers Directory

Online directory that profiles black minority ethnic lawyers and organisations with at least one black minority ethnic lawyer. The website was launched in February 2006 and is hosted by Totally Management Ltd, a UK-based management consultancy. The Directory can be searched by region or practice area. The site includes news, careers information and a jobs page. There is also information on BLD's Legal Gateway Scheme which provides career development opportunities for students, schoolchildren, pupils, trainees and others interested in pursuing a career in law.

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Website of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNFPII), an advisory body of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, whose role is to provide expert advice and raise awareness of indigenous issues in the UN. The site has information on the history and development of the UNFPII, profiles of members and a calendar of events. Official documents and resolutions relating to indigenous issues can be viewed on the site in a variety of languages along with documents and recommendationsfrom from sessions of the UNFPII.

Brown v. Board of Education Digital Archive

A digital archive containing documents and images relating to Brown v. Board of Education a landmark case which ended legal segregation in American schools in the 1950's. The archive is hosted by the University of Michigan Library in the United States. The site has summaries of, and links to the full-text of Supreme Court cases relating to segregation issues in U.S. schools along with a selection of reports relating specifically to desegregation in Ann Arbor.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice

Website of Asian Americans Advancing Justice a non-profit organisation whose stated aim is to "advance the human and civil rights of Asian Americans through advocacy, public policy, public education, and litigation". The site gives details of projects they are concerned with including affirmative action, anti-Asian violence, immigration, voting rights and welfare reform. Resources on hate crime include FAQs, a checklist for victims and related web links. Profiles are given of the Board of Directors and the National Advisory Council.

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