environmental law

Environmental Law Foundation

The Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) is a national UK charity which links communities and individuals to legal and technical experts who can provide advice and information on how the law can help resolve environmental problems. ELF was established in 1992 and consists of a network of environmental solicitors, barristers, consultants and academics, who provide free initial advice and assistance and then, if required, further support on either a free, at cost or reduced-fee rate.

Queensland Planning and Environmental Court decisions

An AustLII database, containing full-text decisions in HTML format from the Planning and Environment Court of Queensland from 1999 onwards. The system offers a comprehensive search facility and browsing by case name and date. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute has been developed by the University of Technology in Sydney to provide free public access to primary legal materials. Materials contained in the database are selected and provided by the Court.

Environmental Resources and Development Court of South Australia Decisions

An AustLII database containing selected full-text HTML decisions from the Environmental Resources and Development Court of South Australia from 1996 onwards. Cases can be searched or browsed by case name or date. Data is selected and supplied by the Court. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free Internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Canadian Institute of Resources Law

Internet website providing general information about the Canadian Institute of Resource Law which was formed in 1979 by the University of Calgary to undertake and promote research in Canadian resource law and environmental issues. The website provides background details of the Institute's mandate, governance and management structure, with staff profiles and contacts list. Publications include reports, papers and conference proceedings, some of which are available in full text online.

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

Website provided by the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, based in Geneva. The text of the Convention is provided in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish and there is information about ratification and national implementation. Information is given about the ongoing work of the Convention's governing body (the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention) and subsidiary bodies such as the POPS Review Committee.

Satellites and Law

Satellites and Law is a research programme based at the Centre for Law and the Environment at University College London. The programme deals with issues surrounding the use of satellites for monitoring and enforcing environmental laws. The site has information on research projects taking place looking at the use of satellites in legal systems, privacy issues in using satellite imagery in courts and national and international experience of using satellite imagery as a legal monitoring and compliance tool.

Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association

Website of the Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) a non-governmental organisation promoting environmental justice in Zimbabwe. The site gives information on the programmes of work ZELA is engaged on. These include environmental law reform and education, urban environment, transboundary natural resources management, land and communities and environmental legal compliance.

Carbon Capture Legal Programme

Website of the Carbon Capture Legal Programme (CCLP) a project developed by the Centre for Law and the Environment at University College London. The purpose of the project is to provide information on and access to key legal materials concerning Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). This collection is now hoted by the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute.


Website of ClientEarth, an independent environmental charity whose aim is to protect the environment through the use of law. The site has profiles of the trustees, staff, associates and advisors of ClientEarth along with an outline of the main programme areas ClientEarth is concerned with. These cover climate and energy, environmental justice and marine protection.


Gobal database of treaties, laws and regulations concerning food, agriculture and renewable natural resources, provided by the UN's Food and Agriculture OrganizatioN (FAO). Includes bibliographic information, abstracts and links to full-text documents. The site is in English, Arabic, French or Spanish and the data is in either the same languages or in the original language of the document.

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