environmental law

Japanese environmental laws

Collection of online, environmental laws and regulations made freely available on the Japanese Ministry of the Environment website. The legislation is grouped under subject headings which include global environment, waste and recycling, environmental policy and air and transportation. The collection includes an outline of the Basic Environment Law. The majority of the laws are presented in HTML with a small number in PDF format. The site can be viewed in English or Japanese.

Planning and Environment Bar Association

Website of the Planning and Environment Bar Association (PEBA) whose members are barristers specialising in "planning, environment, compulsory purchase, highways, housing, rating and other aspects of local government and administrative law". The site gives information on the work of PEBA and includes a full-text (PDF) copy of the PEBA Handbook. Details of pro bono work carried out by PEBA members is also provided. Contact details for chambers and barristers who are members of PEBA can be searched or browsed on the site.

UCL Centre for Law and Environment

Website of the UCL Centre for Law and Environment which was established in 2001 and is based in the Faculty of Laws at University College London. The aim of the Centre is to "advance research and teaching and explore the role of law in meeting contemporary environmental challenges". The site gives information on the work of the Centre including courses, seminars and conferences. Details are given of members research activities including the Carbon Capture Legal Programme and the Satellites and the Law projects.

Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Website of the Mexican Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), a government agency with responsibility for environmental protection. Most of the site is in Spanish, but English translations of a number of key documents and some background information are provided. Documents include the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection and a summary of the Environmental Justice Administration Program 2001-2006. The section from the Criminal Code dealing with Environmental Crimes is also included on the site.

New South Wales Land and Environment Court

The New South Wales Land and Environment Court (LEC) is a specialist court dealing with environmental, development, building and planning disputes. There is information about the court including a list of judges and commissioners and a selection of information sheets which can be downloaded in Word or HTML. The site includes information about the LEC's jurisdiction and provides links to full-text laws that grant the Court jurisdiction.

International Environmental Law Research Centre

Website of the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC), a non-profit research organisation established in 1995 and based in Switzerland. The work of the IELRC focuses on international environmental legal issues. There is organisational information on the site and details of the IELRC's work which includes research, consultancy and teaching. Details are given of IELRC research programmes which cover biodiversity, climate change, human rights and intellectual property. Related articles are included as HTML or PDF documents.

Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA)

The website of the Hungarian Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA). EMLA is active in raising public awareness and participation, providing legal advice and representation, developing environmental NGO networks and environmental consulting. The website has information on the history, structure and activities of EMLA, and details of how to join the organisation. Information for researchers on joint projects, internships and use of the EMLA library is provided. Brief details of specific programmes and case summaries are also available, as are copies of EMLA's annual reports.


Legalbrief is an online news service provided by South African legal publisher Juta Law. The Legalbrief service is comprised of a range of newsletters with stories taken from a range of South African and international news sources. There are newsletters focusing on Africa, forensic law, environmental law, cyber law and South African legal judgements. This is essentially a subscription service but many news stories and some judgements are made freely available on the site.

Environmental Defense Fund

The Environmental Defense Fund is a non-profit organisation which "since 1967, has linked science, economics and law to create innovative, equitable and cost-effective solutions to society's most urgent environmental problems." The website provides general information about the organisation and its areas of work. Information on the site includes blogs, podcasts and RSS feeds, as well as fact sheets and a news and publications archive.

Commission for Environmental Co-operation

The Commission for Environmental Co-operation (CEC) is an international organisation created by Canada, Mexico and the United States under the North American Agreement on Environmental Co-operation (NAAEC), in order to address regional environmental concerns. The website provides general information about the Commission and its projects. The Publications and Information section includes detailed summaries of the environmental laws of Canada, Mexico and the US.

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