environmental law


Website of Gordon Wignall, a barrister with expertise in nuisance and the related topics of trespass, statutory rights of compensation, waste and environmental permitting. The site provides guidance on these topics, aimed at the public. There are guides to private nuisance, public nuisance and statutory nuisance, along with shorter briefings on climate change and nuisance law, privacy and nuisance and Japanese Knotweed.

Law and Your Environment

The Law and Your Environment web page is a plain guide to environmental law compiled by the UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA) and made freely available on their website. The guide provides information on the law dealing with a range of environmental areas including air pollution, climate change, marine environment, fracking, noise, planning and wildlife issues. Each section breaks down to include case studies, contacts, FAQs and links to relevant legislation and other resources.

UK Environmental Law Association: Brexit

This section of the UK Environmental Law Association (UKELA) website focuses on issues surrounding Brexit and the future of UK environmental regulation. There is guidance on the impact of European Union membership on environmental law in the UK and a selection of UKELA policy papers on the implications of Brexit for different areas of environmental law. There are also links to articles by environmental law experts dealing with topics such as climate policy, nature conservation in the UK and environmental law in Scotland.

Legal Research Guide: Maori Customary Law

Research guide on Maori customary law by Kelly Buchanan of the Library of Congress in the United States. Gives a historical introduction to the subject and explains the current situation. Provides an annotated bibliography of sources for researching Maori customary law, including land law, natural resources law, family law and criminal justice. Gives numerous links to the journal articles, reports and papers listed.

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Official website for the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection. There is information about the ministry and its ministers. Summaries of relevant laws, publications and news items are given on a range of environmental issues including air pollution, animal welfare, asbestos, climate, green building and hazardous materials. There is a news feed and regular e-bulletins. The site is available in Arabic, Hebrew and English.

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide : International Environmental Law

A chapter of the American Society of International Law's online Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law, concerned with International Environmental law. This chapter has been written by Anne Burnett, Reference and Foreign and International Law Librarian Law Library, University of Georgia School of Law, USA. The author provides an overview of the subject and suggests general search strategies for conducting legal research into international economic law on the Internet.


ECOLEX is an environmental law information service operated by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN). It is partly funded by the Dutch government. The website provides a searchable database which combines the environmental law information held by all three bodies. This comprises multilateral treaties; national legislation; European Union instruments; international "soft law" and related documents; bibliographic details of law and policy literature; and judicial decisions.

Legal Affairs (Nuclear Energy Agency)

The Nuclear Law pages of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). The NEA is the OECD body committed to the development of peaceful nuclear energy. The law pages outline the NEA's Legal Affairs' goals and objectives, as well as its programme of work. The "publications" section includes partial access to the Nuclear Law Bulletin, available in PDF in English or French. This bulletin covers developments in nuclear law from almost 60 jurisdictions around the world, including legislation, and legal and administrative decisions. Data is also available.

Canadian Environmental Law Association

The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA consists of lawyers and researchers who have expertise in environmental law and policy and who campaign for better environmental law for Ontario and Canada. CELA's project areas cover access to justice, pollution and health, land use and water sustainability. There are online collections of materials focusing on particular subject areas including mining and renewable energy in Ontario. The site includes organisational information on CELA details of CELA's involvement in environmental litigation.

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