
Employment tribunal decisions

Database of recent employment tribunal decisions from England, Wales and Scotland. The database was launched in April 2017 and is on the UK Government website. Tribunal judgments can be searched by key word and filtered by date, jurisdiction and/or subject (the list of subjects is called ‘Jurisdiction code’). Email alerts are available regarding new or updated decisions.

Jurisprudence (OHCHR)

Database of all cases decided by UN human rights treaty bodies: the Human Rights Committee (CCPR), the Committee against Torture (CAT), the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED), the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), and the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Ministry of Welfare: Legislation

Collection of Icelandic legislation translated into English, on the website of Iceland’s Ministry of Welfare. About fifty acts and numerous regulations are available, in pdf format, with amendments; topics include employment, equality, health, housing, welfare and social security. A disclaimer warns that the translations are provided for information only.

NHS Litigation Authority

The NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA) deals with clinical negligence and other claims against the NHS. Its website describes its work and provides guidance for patients, clinicians, volunteers and social enterprises. Publications available on the site include brief details of relevant human rights cases, guidance regarding claims, factsheets and legal updates.

South African Labour Courts

Website of the South African Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court. The South African Labour Court has the same status as a high court. Further appeals can be made to the Labour Appeal Court. Links are available to the texts of relevant statutes, regulations and also to the practice directions of both courts. Access is given to full text judgments from 1996. A separate RSS feed allows users to check on the most recent decisions and news from the court.

Doing business: law library

Gateway to business laws and regulations from all over the world, compiled by the World Bank’s Doing Business project. Gives links to official sources as far as possible, and many of the texts are in English translation. Can be browsed by country or region. The areas of law covered are: banking, bankruptcy, civil codes, civil procedure, commercial and company law, constitutional law, employment law, land and building law, privacy, securities, tax and trade.

Eugene F. Collins

This Irish law firm website provides commentary on Irish legal developments, in its Publications section. The areas of law covered include company law, banking, employment, European Union, competition, immigration, intellectual property, information technology, litigation, dispute resolution, media and property.


Voisin is a Jersey legal firm. The site provides free access to a series of briefings on Jersey legal topics given on the Expertise pages. Areas covered include banking and finance, property, employment and capital markets.

Carey Olsen

Carey Olsen is a Channel Islands law firm which covers a range of practice areas, including company and commercial, banking and financial, restructuring and insolvency, trusts, property, employment, competition, litigation and dispute resolution. The Publications section of its website provides a collection of articles produced by the firm on the law of Jersey and Guernsey, together with summaries of recent Jersey and Guernsey judgments. It is possible to subscribe for email delivery of publications on selected topics.

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