criminal procedure

Discover Criminal Justice

Free website providing a directory of more than 5,000 accredited criminal justice courses available in the United States, together with careers articles and interviews with criminal justice experts from academia, legal practice and the police force. All degree levels are covered by the directory, including doctoral programmes, and it includes a variety of specialisms, such as court reporting, juvenile justice, criminology, counter-terrorism, IT, international criminal justice and legal studies.

Death Penalty Worldwide

This website provides information and analysis relating to death penalty law and practice in around 90 countries. It was established by Professor Sandra Babcock of the Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern Law School's Bluhm Legal Clinic in the US, in partnership with the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty. The site’s main component is the Death Penalty Database, covering capital offences; treaty ratifications; national and international cases; methods of execution; statistics on death sentences and executions; and other topics.

Pre-trial, detention, bail and due process

Online guide providing access to sources of information relating to the administration of bail and due process in the United States. The guide was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in July 2011 on Summaries and links to legal articles, cases, standards, reports and studies are given covering the Constitution, the Bail Reforrn Act 1984, pre-trial detention, pre-trial release and human rights issues.

Age of innocence: actual, legal and presumed

Online article providing background information and links to legal articles and symposia looking at the concept of innocence in United States law and how it is applied. The article was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in May 2011 on Substantial abstracts are provided for the featured articles and most have links to the full text.

Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland

This is the official website of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland. who investigates complaints of misconduct, inefficiency and corruption made by the public and police concerning the Police Service of Northern Ireland. The website provides access to information on the role of the Ombudsman and his/her current activities. It includes the text of relevant police legislation and statutory instruments, recent press releases, annual reports and research reports on specific investigations conducted by the body.

Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland

The Public Prosecution Service (PPS) is the principal prosecuting authority in Northern Ireland established in 2005 by the Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002. The PPS makes the decisions on whether to prosecute cases which have been investigated by the police in Northern Ireland and by other statutory authorities such as HM Revenue and Customs. As well as information about the PPS the site has a code for prosecutors, corporate information and business plans, equality and diversity policies and information for victims of crime.

Ministry of Justice: Procedure Rules

Collection of procedure rules for different types of litigation in England and Wales, provided by the UK Ministry of Justice. Consists of the Civil Procedure Rules, Criminal Procedure Rules, Family Procedure Rules and other rules that apply to the magistrates courts and Crown Court. Practice directions, court forms and court guides are also available.  

United States Sentencing Commission

Website of the United States Sentencing Commission. The Commission is an independent government agency which establishes policies on sentencing and punishment for US federal courts. It also advises Congress on crime policy and collects and publishes information on sentencing in the United States. The site publishes many documents to support and reflect the Commission's mandate including background and historical information.

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

Website of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute(UNICRI) established by the UN in1968 and based in Italy. The purpose of UNICRI is to strengthen UN initiatives on preventing criminality and juvenile delinquency. The site presents information on the Institute, its objectives and governing body and on its activities in the following areas: supporting judicial reform and promoting the rule of law: security and counter terrorism and human trafficking.

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