criminal law

European Criminal Bar Association

The European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) is an independent organisation of specialist defence lawyers based in Council of Europe countries. The aim of the ECBA is to promote “the fundamental rights of persons under criminal investigation, suspects, accused and convicted persons”. Details of working groups covering e-evidence, human rights, extradition and European Arrest Warrant and anti-corruption in Europe are given on the site along with their working documents.

European Criminal Law Association

Website of the European Criminal Law Association (ECLA) (UK) a membership organisation of lawyers and academics concerned with the development of criminal law in Europe. The ECLA was previously known as the Association to Combat Fraud in Europe. A selection of reports and articles by members of ECLA are made freely available on the site. These deal with issues including organised crime, corruption, law enforcement and Brexit. Details of past and future events are also given along with a list of committee members and a copy of the ECLA constitution.

European Criminal Law Academic Network

The European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN) is an organisation of researchers and academics from 32 countries specialising in EU criminal law. The aims of ECLAN include facilitating collaboration between universities and developing academic research and training in the field of EU criminal law. ECLAN organises conferences and summer schools details of which are given online. Details of publications are also given with a selection of reports and articles made freely available.

Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Website of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina which was established in 2002 to deal with issues that fall within the jurisdiction of the state – eg. terrorism, war crimes, human trafficking and organised crime. The site has profiles of the judges, laws, cases and other documents relating to the Court. The site can be viewed in English, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian.

Law collections: special collections from Cornell University Law Library

The special collections page of the Cornell University Law Library website makes available a number of digitised collections, as well as information on special print collections. The digitised material is arranged in four discrete collections: the collections of Liberian Law; the Donovan Nuremberg Trials collection; the Scottsboro Trials collection; the Trial Pamphlets collection. Each of the digitised collections is searchable by full-text, title, author, publisher, publication date and subject. Filters make it possible to browse the collections.

Sentencing Law and Policy

This blog is concerned with United States sentencing law and policy and is written by Professor Douglas A. Berman of the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University. The blog has been running since 2004 and posts cover issues such as sentencing guidelines, sentencing reform, sentencing data and state sentencing guidelines. There are also posts focusing on specific cases and aspects of policy such as gun policy and sentencing. Previous posts can be browsed by date or topic or searched by keyword. Links are given to other US law and justice websites and other criminal law blogs.

Stonewall: Criminal Law

This page forms part of the guidance provided by gay and lesbian civil rights group, Stonewall, on their website. This section focuses on aspects of criminal law that affect LGBT people. There is advice on the Sexual Offences Act 2003, domestic violence, forced marriage and information on how to disregard a conviction or caution for gross indecency.

Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission

Information provided on the GOV.UK website on making an appeal to the Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission (POAC). The POAC was created by the Terrorism Act 2000 to hear appeals from organisations which have been banned by the Home Office because they believe it is involved with terrorism. The site gives guidance on how to appeal, links to relevant rules and legislation and previous decisions.

Age of innocence: actual, legal and presumed

Online article providing background information and links to legal articles and symposia looking at the concept of innocence in United States law and how it is applied. The article was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in May 2011 on Substantial abstracts are provided for the featured articles and most have links to the full text.

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