criminal law


CrimeLine is an online weekly journal made freely available when you register on the website. CrimeLine is produced by Andrew Keogh of Keogh Solicitors and is intended for criminal lawyers featuring legal news, recent cases, new legislation and training. Case digests link to Casetrack providing access to full-text judgments. The site also includes a wiki covering criminal law in England and Wales. Other facilities on the site include a distance-learning CPD scheme, a help page and discussion forum.

Criminal Bar Association

Website of the Criminal Bar Association (CBA) a specialist bar association which "exists to represent the views of the practising members of the independent criminal Bar in England and Wales." The site includes full-text CBA newsletters from 2001 onwards, a list of events and lectures held by the organisation and recent reports of the CBA working parties. A selection of papers and fact sheets are also available to download.

Buffalo Criminal Law Center

The website of the Buffalo Criminal Law Center provides an overview of the Center's mission, programmes of study, and research activities. The center is based at the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law and aims to help students in their advanced research into criminal law, as well as acting as an advisory body to US state and federal legislatures about criminal justice issues. The site gives details of the Herbert Wechsler National Criminal Law Moot Court Competition, and the Center's own LL.M. programme in Criminal Law.

Restorative Justice Online

This site is a service of Prison Fellowship International's Centre for Justice and Reconciliation. The introduction outlines the values, principles and definition of restorative justice. Users of the site can suggest solutions to the problems presented. The "Resources" section presents links to documents from different jurisdictions on restorative justice, as well as some United Nations and Council of Europe documents. A comprehensive annotated bibliography on restorative justice around the world is also found in the "Resources" section.

DNA identification evidence in criminal prosecutions

Article looking at studies and reviews that have been published focusing on concerns over the use of forensic DNA evidence in criminal prosecutions. The article was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in March 2010 on Summaries and links to the full texts are given of scholarly articles highlighting the types of mistakes that can undermine confidence in DNA evidence such as laboratory error, cross-contamination, interpretive bias or fraud.


Eucrim is a journal focusing on European criminal law, edited and made freely available online by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law. Eucrim is published twice a year and is intended for both practitioners and academics. The site is in English and French and the journal is in English. Users can sign up for free email delivery.

Centre for Criminal Justice Studies

The Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, established in 1987, is an interdisciplinary research institute at the University of Leeds. Resources that can be accessed from the site include annual reports and summaries of recent research papers. The site also provides a publications list, news and information about conferences and public seminars. In addition there is events information and an extensive list of links to related websites.

Comparative criminal procedure: a select bibliography

Guide to resources dealing with comparative criminal procedure, by Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Foreign and International Law Librarian and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago D'Angelo Law Library. Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, the guider covers criminal procedure generally, criminal procedure in multiple jurisdictions and specific topics such as arrest, interrogation, plea bargaining, trial by jury, sentencing and appeals.

International Legal Foundation

Website of the International Legal Foundation (ILF), a US-based organisation concerned with the establishment of fair criminal justice systems in post-conflict countries. The site has background information about the ILF, details of current projects and a blog. The Resources section provides reports, factsheets, policy guidance and other ILF publications.

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