
Raad van State: Conseil d'Etat: Staatsrat: the Supreme Administrative Court of Belgium

Web pages of the Raad van State, or Supreme Administrative Court of Belgium, which was set up in 1946 to allow Belgians an effective appeal against irregular administrative acts. The pages are available in three different language interfaces: Dutch, French and German. Users can search the full-text of decrees of the Court, and results can be displayed in Dutch or French, and in PDF. The site also offers answers to frequently asked questions about the Court, and explains its legal background.

Federal Court of Australia Judgments

Official website developed by the Federal Court of Australia containing the full-text of judgments or decisions of the Federal Court of Australia (from 1977) and courts and tribunals administered by the Federal Court including the Industrial Relations Court of Australia (from 1994), the Australian Competition Tribunal (from 1997), the Copyright Tribunal (from 1997), the Defence Force Discipline Appeals Tribunal (from 1999) and the Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal (1999).

InfoCuria - Case-law of the Court of Justice

Official European Union database carrying all judgments, opinions and orders issued by the Court of Justice, General Court and Civil Service Tribunal, plus case summaries and court notices. The database is on the Courts' website, Curia. New cases are available on the day the decision is given. InfoCuria can be searched by case number, date, party names, subject, key words and other criteria. Content is available in all the official EU languages, except for cases not intended for publication in the European Court Reports.

Washington Courts

Official government website for the State Courts of Washington State in the United States, covering the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Superior Courts, District Courts and Municipal Courts. The site provides information on the work and structure of State Courts including a Court Directory and Court News service with online press releases and details of employment opportunities. A collection of published and unpublished Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions are posted on the site for 90 days, searchable by date or keywords.

Courts Service Ireland

Official website of the Irish Courts Service, providing judgments of the Supreme Court (from 2001), the High Court and the Court of Criminal Appeal (2004 onwards) in a searchable or browseable database. Background information on the history and work of the courts is available, together with court rules, forms, practice directions, news items and a diary of current and future cases. Information pamphlets and statistics are also provided and there is a glossary of legal terms.

United States Court of International Trade

Official website for the US Court of International Trade, aiming to provide public access to information about the Court, the history of its development and its current activities as a constituent and significant part of the federal judicial system providing corrective justice in the area of international trade litigation. The site publishes USCIT slip opinions for 1999 onwards which can be viewed in full text PDF. Rules and forms of the Court and profiles of the judges are also made available on the site.

Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service

Official website for the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service, outlining the court structure in Northern Ireland and providing information on services including court lists, fees, information on jury service and support for victims and witnesses. Access is provided to a range of publications relevant to the Northern Ireland Court Service including legislation, press releases, policy documents and targets and performance data. Judgements from the Northern Ireland courts are available to download from the site in full text and can be searched or browsed back to 1999.

Sénat: Liens

The Links ('Liens') page on the website of the French Senate offers links to French legislation, the courts of France and jurisprudence, French local authorities, European law, political parties represented in the Senate, and international institutions. Among the legislation links are the full-text of the Constitution, the Journal Officiel and the consolidated texts of major legislation. The courts links include the Cour de Cassation, le Conseil d'Etat and the Cour des Comptes.

Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic

Website for the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. Information available in English on the site includes: a description of the composition, organisation, procedures, powers and nature and effect of judgments of the Court; list of Justices; Court contact details; collection of cases with selected judgments from 1992-1996 in case number order; and collection of legal materials including the act on the Constitutional Court, Charter of fundamental rights and basic freedoms, and Parliament of the Czech Republic.

Federal Court of Canada

Official website for the Federal Court of Canada, providing brief background information on the history, constitution and jurisdiction of the Court along with biographies of the Federal Court judges. Background information is also given to the Canadian courts and justice system. Links to the full-text of the Canada Federal Court Reports since 1993 are provided, as are a site search engine and search and browse options for the decisions. Federal Court rules, forms, practice guides and relevant guides are additionally made available in full text.

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