
Research guide to the Somaliland legal system

Article looking at the legal system of Somaliland written by Mohamed Farah Hersi who is an attorney and human rights researcher and a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pretoria. The guide was published in 2009 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. Somaliland is a breakaway territory established in the north of Somalia in 1991 and is not currently recognised by the international community.

Somaliland Law

Website providing information on the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Somaliland. Somaliland is a breakaway territory established in the north of Somalia in 1991 that is not currently recognised by the international community. Somaliland Law is edited by UK based lawyer Ibrahim Hashi Jama. The site offers a profile of Somaliland and articles and commentary relating to Somaliland law. Full texts of the Constitutions of 1991 and 1960 are given along with details of developments in constitutional law.

Bombay High Court Judges' Library

Website of the e-law library of the Bombay High Court in India. The purpose of the library is to provide support and legal information for judges of the Bombay High Court and the site gives access to freely available legal materials and provides details of materials held locally. There is a selection of summaries of historical cases of the Bombay High Court and a list of judges from 1862 onwards. Legislation dealing with judiciary, the Bombay High Court rules and guidelines and the Indian Constitution with amending legislation are given on the site.

Constitution of Spain

English-language version of the Spanish Constitution, on the website of the Spanish Senate. The Constitution was adopted in 1978 and has sections dealing with fundamental rights and duties, the role of the Crown, the Cortes Generales, the Government and the Judiciary. There are also chapters covering the economy and finance, organisation of the state and the Constitutional Court.

Constitution of Tonga

Full text online version of the 1875 Constitution of Tonga (amended up to 1988) made freely available on PacLII the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute website. The Constitution is presented in HTML and has sections dealing with rights and freedoms, the form of government and government institutions including the Privy Council, Legislative Assembly, Cabinet and the Judiciary. There is also a section dealing with land and the laws of succession. PacLII is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Tribunal Constitucional del Peru

Official website of the Constitutional Court of Peru. The site contains information about the Court and gives profiles of the judges. Judgements of the Court are available in full text and can be searched by keyword and year. There are also copies of the Constitution and associated legislation provided on the site. Links are given to the website of the Court Gazette and to the Centre for Constitutional Studies of the Constitutional Court which is the research and academic arm of the Court. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

Official English version of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany (the German constitution), provided by the Public Relations Division of the German Bundestag. The Basic Law was promulgated on 23 May 1949 and this version is amended up to June 2008. The document includes chapters on basic rights, the Federation, the Bundestag, the Federal institutions and legislation, the administration of justice and defence and is downloadable in PDF format

Researching Haitian law

Online guide to researching the law and legal materials of Haiti written by Marisol Florén-Romero who is the International Reference Librarian at Florida International University (FIU), College of Law Library. The article was published in 2008 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. There is background and historical information to Haiti and outlines of the governmental and legal systems.

Constitution of Bhutan

Electronic copy of the 2008 Constitution of Bhutan made freely available online by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution has sections on citizenship and the rights and duties of citizens. There are also articles on the role of the monarchy, an outline of the governmental system and the functions of various other official bodies.


Guinean legal system and research

Article looking at the law and legal system of the Republic of Guinea written by Ibrahima Sidibe who is Professeur de Droit at the Université General Lansana Conte de Sonfonia-Conakry, in Guinea. The guide was published in 2008 (and updated in 2015) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author provides an introduction to the Constitution and the roles of the President and the Prime Minister. There is guidance to the functions and responsibilities of all the government departments.

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