
Constitution of Argentina

This site contains the Constitution of Argentina in English, provided by the International Constitutional Law (ICL) project at the University of Bern in Switzerland. This edition of the Constitution incorporates all amendments made up to 1994 and covers the role and functions of the legislature, the executive, the judiciary and the provincial governments. The site also provides historical and background information to the Constitution.

Constitution of Albania

This site contains the full-text of the 1998 Constitution of the Republic of Albania. This site is made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution deals with the role and functions of the People's Assembly, the President and the Council of Ministers. The site also provides historical and background information to the Constitution and the drafting process of the 1998 Constitution.

Constitution of Afghanistan

This site contains the full-text of the 2004 Afghanistan Constitution which is made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. This ICL edition is an unofficial version of the Constitution which was adopted by the Loya Jirga (Grand Council) on 3 Jan 2004. The Constitution describes the powers of the state, the rights and duties of the citizens and the role and functions of the President, the National Assembly, the Loya Jirga and the Government.

First Amendment Library

The First Amendment Library forms part of the website of the First Amendment Center an organisation affiliated to the Freedom Forum and based at the Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee and Arlington, Virginia in the United States. The Library provides access to information relating to the five freedoms of the First Amendment -speech, press, assembly, petition and religion. The database is arranged by category including freedom of expression, freedom of religion and the Freedom of Information Act.

First Amendment Center

Website of the First Amendment Center, an organisation affiliated to the Freedom Forum and based at Vanderbilt University in the United States. The aim of the Center is to protect First Amendment freedoms. Its website provides access to information about freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and the right to petition. Subjects covered within these categories include school children's freedom of expression, freedom of information issues, religious liberty in schools and public life, abortion protests and freedom of association.

Does the European Union Have a Constitution? Does It Need One?

Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper 5/2000 by Jean-Claude Piris, published on the website of New York University Law School's Jean Monnet Centre for International and Regional Economic Law and Justice. The paper discusses constitutional issues relating to the European Union. This includes an examination of whether the founding treaties of the EU constitute a 'constitution' and how they could be strengthened.

1st Amendment Online

Website of 1st Amendment Online set up by Adam Samaha, a Visiting Scholar at the University of Minnesota Law School. Although the site has not been updated since 2004 it does contain many useful legal materials relating to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and includes cases, historical documents, opinion polls, and primary sources. Important cases concerning the 1st Amendment from the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeals and the Minnesota Supreme Court are presented on the site as PDF documents.

European Constitutional Law Network

The European Constitutional Law Network (ECLN) was set up by Professor Ingolf Pernice of the Walter Hallstein-Institute for European Constitutional Law, Berlin. It is an academic forum on European constitutional law. The website has links to constitutions of EU member states and future member states. Countries are listed alphabetically, with each constitution presented in English and in the original language; some texts are also in French, German, Spanish and/or Italian.

Ustavni Sud Republike Hrvatske

Official website of the Constitutional Court of Croatia which is based in Zagreb. The site provides profiles of the President and the judges of the Constitutional Court and related legal documents including the Croatian Constitution in full-text and the Rules of Procedure of the Court. There is background, historical and organisational information on the Court and its jurisdiction. Full text decisions of the Court can be searched or browsed on the site in Croatian only. The website can be viewed in Croatian and English.

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