International Humanitarian Law Databases


This part of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) website provides free access to the ICRC's International Humanitarian Law (IHL) databases. There is a treaty database which includes IHL treaties and related documents and lists the states that have signed and/or ratified or acceded to the treaties. It also contains the ICRC commentaries to the four 1949 Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols. The Customary IHL database has an online version of the ICRC’s study on customary international humanitarian law which was published in 2005 and includes the 161 rules customary IHL identified in the 2005 study and the underlying practice. The National Practice database has selected legislation, case law and manuals implementing IHL treaties from around the world. Materials can be searched or viewed by state, date or subject. It is also possible to search all three databases by keyword. Most of the materials are presented in English with some provided in the original language.

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